9. My Environment


I did not come to this world having a desire to bring to the people a concept on a theoretical Supreme Power, on a theoretical Supreme Mind, on a theoretical Supreme Consciousness, on that what you used to call Jahowe or Jahve, God of Israel, the Father of Israel, but rather I came to this wonderful world to show you a way as to how you can find peace and bliss, and experience a real satisfaction within your own selves by having a real and living bond with these love vibrations of that Supreme Power, of that Supreme Mind, of that Supreme Consciousness truly bathing you like a space ocean, even within your own selves, as well as to show you how to feel and discover these love vibrations. 

And after that you could believe my words for you could experience all this by yourselves and by this confirm the truth of my words in your own life.

I chose simple, ordinary, young men who had a bigger chance for not getting frightened by such a path to within that would completely deny the path that had been laid down for them by the rabbis and Pharisees, the scribes and teachers of the scripture they called as holy, in the course of centuries.

By saying I have chosen ordinary men who lived in that generation and in that place where I have been on my mission on revealing that very same God – Father – to all I mean ordinary people who were inclined to believe my word and my teaching on one God the Father to all the people and a brotherhood interrelationship among all the people.

However, you must not think that those simple men were uneducated at all, and could not even read. They were all graduates of the-then existing synagogue schools. While at those schools, they were given a good training in both writing and reading, and in knowing the world of that age and in understanding the so-called Scripture to the measure taught by the teachers of that time. And that understanding helped them in a way to deal in their daily life because every difficulty or failure they attributed to God‘s favor or disfavor with man. If a man had his life in abundance it meant that God loved that man and showed him favor by demonstrating a bigger attention that manifested in a material wealth and a better material living. Meanwhile for those who had a hard life, who were crippled or sick, who had to suffer physical afflictions and who, according to the-then understanding, were repudiated from the abundance of God‘s mercy testified to nothing else but the fact that God did not love those people that much.    

Due to those beliefs they received at the synagogue schools, while rabbis, in addition to it, at their academies, where the-then teaching of rabbis was laying emphasis on that it was only they, and the scribes, who had an exclusive right, given to them by God, to teach all the other Jews what they considered to be the truths of the scriptures, and by this God showed them even a bigger favor and came closer to them, such a stratified society had no remorse that everything was regulated that way since the very moment of man‘s birth. The more so that in this structure there was left no place for women. They did not receive any education at all even at those primitive synagogue schools. The Jewish standpoint upon women was degrading as upon a second-rate person whose only task was to give birth to children and care for the upbringing of children up to the age of five. Beyond this age all the responsibility for the child‘s upbringing would pass into the hands of the father. True, that applied only to boys. The care of girls remained in the hands of their mothers further on. However, their only duty was to prepare the girl for the motherhood.      

Meanwhile the gentiles were not considered to be people by the Jews. They were equaled to animals. And even a killing of a gentile was not considered to be a sin. This wrong attitude within the society to the effect that they even looked upon themselves as an exceptional nation that had been entrusted by the Father of Israel, Jahve, with the special role – as the only people to deliver teaching from their own scriptures as from the true source – could by no means bring in a mutual love and a strong spiritual bond and association. 

Since this system was introduced right at the birth of a child and continued on throughout man‘s life span that was dominated by the role of the rabbis with their distorted teaching about God who chastised a disobedient man and showed an exceptional favor to those whom He liked, it was a slim chance that among Jews there might appear a free man who could surpass such an enslaving their mind teaching so that by his own teaching he would make an attempt to explain to others that God loved all equally and without any interest of His own. He equally loved not only Jews but also gentiles that were hated by Jews so much that they were not treated by them even as humans.

And the Roman oppression was despised by Jews, even though they could not resist it due to their small numbers. However, being not a numerous people, they satisfied their inner ego by showing their disdain to the gentiles, even to Cesar, that those oppressors were not worthy to be treated as their equals.

That was the situation I could not take – how it was possible to live under the conditions of such unfairness, how it was possible to teach such a god who loved some and who did not love others, who provided wealth and living in a material abundance to some while he denied others this similar living and sent suffering instead. How could exist such a god who required a blood sacrifice on the altar to give his forgiveness and show his favor. And to a gentile he would not manifest any favor even for the sacrifice merely because of the fact that the person was a gentile.

This type of environment and living was by no means acceptable to me.
