MONDAY communion


My dears, I call on you to join us in our collective communion with the Paradise Trinity and among ourselves on Monday night (September 27, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) for the solitary students of The Urantia Book and Jesus Christ‘s revelation I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity in our own words or thoughts.

Those of you who find it too difficult to pray in your own words read my prayers which I have been writing for you, only read them sincerely.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother of Creation, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister of Creation, I worship you for your love and care which my TRUE SPIRITUAL PERSONALITY, BESTOWED BY YOU, feels and experiences every day.

I worship you for making my spritual personality awake and look upon everything around by your look of love and care.

I worship you for it is you who have been teaching me to look upon the ambiance while noticing not only the consequences of any action but also realizing their causes.

I worship you for I ever more desire to live in love and truth as well as teach these very basic things in creation my other brethren who also desire this very same everyday living in love and truth.

I worship you for teaching me, and all of us, to be able to assess every action by its motive rather than merely by its performance for it is you who permanently look into the motive of every action which always stands behind and beyond the action itself.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship of the Paradise Trinity carry on sitting in peace for several more minutes and let your  true spiritual personality drink the nectar of the living love vibrations af the Persons of the Paradise Trinity. Then pass to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all our experience, bad and good, from the human point of view, for each experience teaches us if we discern meaning within it.

In tonight‘s collective communion we pray for those brethren of ours who begin to study the epochal revelation of The Urantia Book and the revelation of Jesus Christ I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN. The Urantia Book is a very profound revelation and it is very difficult to study it alone, by oneself, for it provides such a blinding light that people cannot keep it within themselves and they desire to share it but others get perplexed by its luminosity. I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN this revelation by Jesus Christ is like a chopped chunk of The Urantia Book to small crumbs for our everyday use. Therefore we send our love vibrations to such solitary students of The Urantia Book and the revelation of Jesus Christ I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN that they would carry on with their consistent studies of these sources even though there is no one by his side to talk with about these sources.

It is very difficult to study these living revelation books if you have to keep all this light to yourself, if the environment does not desire to show any interest in them, and even does its best to neglect and blackmail this light. Thus, we are praying for such brethren of ours who might live in very small villages where people know each other very well so that they would NOT care for their neighbors‘opinions either about The Urantia Book or I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN or even about them, or who might live in big cities where people do not know each other at all so that they would NOT care for this condition of their brethren‘s ignorance of this living truth of The Urantia Book or I SPEAK YOU AGAIN and their indifferece to this living light, so that the students of these revelations would carry on taking their persistent efforts in getting ever deeper to the message of these revelations for they have been passed down to us, humans, not in vain but to assimilate their light and spread it in our everyday living, and by this enlighten our planet, called Urantia.

We are directing our living love vibrations to these solitary students of The Urantia Book and I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN so that they would feel our support in their efforts to do the will of the Father-Paradise Trinity to strive for a brighter and greater light and truth persistently and ceaselessly for the benefit of all, and by this carry out the Father‘s command – “Be perfect , even as I am perfect.“

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer remain in the state of tranquility and bliss for a while since your opened spiritual personality, your true self, is just in the right condition to hear the Father‘s teaching about your assistance to those who study The Urantia Book and I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN alone by themselves.

Peace upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you to join us in our collective communion with the Paradise Trinity, and among ourselves, on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 7 GMT.

This time we shall pray for political, economic, and religious tolerance and wisdom which are missing on our world.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

Do it in your own words, but if you find it too difficult then use my prayers written specially for you, only read them sincerely.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence and love you generate since you are the Source and Center of Eternal Love for the whole of creation.

I worship you for training me – each of us – from within to see the ambience with your look which always is the look of love and goodness and which is always active, never passive and indifferent.

I worship you for leading and teaching me from within so that I would dare to act wisely in love and mercy from without.

I worship you that my true spiritual personality, bestowed by you, ever more desires to fuse with you once it is opened to you and even feels your living presence within.

I worship you for your light and truth which are eternal and constant manifestations of your deeds manifested thru your other children who keep their living communion with you; and who also desire, ever stronger, to shine your light to others in love and mercy.

I worship you because I desire to, and I cannot imagine my future life without this living communion of worship any more, and I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the Paradise Trinity worship remain silent and experience the living flow of the Paradise Trinity Love nectar within you and then start your petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for opening my spiritual true self – my personality – to you from within so that I do really desire to commune with you live and in my own words and thoughts, thank you for my experience to date and for the experience of this very moment in our collective communion with you, even though my brethren are far away, by their physical presence, they are even thousands of miles away, but we are all interrelated in this spiritual communion through your real presence within each of us by your spirit – Thought Adjuster.

This time we are praying for political, economic, and religious tolerance and wisdom of our brethren who make vital decisions in any country and on any level – be it on the governmental, presidential, or parliamentary level or on the level of a national or transnational corporation, or on a religious congregation level for these decisions are all making a direct effect on our life on this planet. If such brethren of ours who serve political interests of separate groups or states, who plan and perform actions of intolerance in the field of business or religion start implementing their desires by such actions of theirs they do impede the spreading of love vibrations on the whole of our planet, be it someone’s desire to burn Koran in revenge of the 9/11 of 2001, or break out a military conflict, or ruin some business. Our planet is a living organism, it is not an isolated piece in space; neither people’s ideas and aspirations are isolated they all are interrelated through the energy vibrations being emitted by each consciousness, sub-consciousness, and even super-consciousness, the latter being the channel of our direct communion with YOU in our SINCERE PRAYERS WHEN WE SUBMERGE IN THESE PRAYER VIBRATIONS SO DEEPLY THAT NOTHING ELSE – APART FROM OUR LIVING COMMUNION – EXISTS FOR US.

Therefore we are praying now that our top frequency living energy vibrations would reach the super-consciousness of our brethren who govern states, who lead corporations, who head different religions so that they would begin doing it in TOLERANCE AND WISDOM which is coming ceaselessly out of you for you are the only unfathomable Source of Tolerance and Wisdom for the whole of creation.

We are praying now that your divine tolerance and wisdom would reach the minds of all presidents and ministers, of all businessmen and bankers, of all priests and believers so that they would start raising the questions in their minds as to what is their role in this life and what is the true meaning and purpose of their institutions so that they would come to understanding that they HAVE TO SERVE ALL THEIR BRETHREN RATHER THAN THEIR INSTITUTIONS. And that means that they must discover YOU WITHIN THEMSELVES to begin to feel your leading from within for it is only then that they would manage to lead their respective states and the world politics, economy, and religions away from an impending dramatic crisis.

I am praying, together with my brethren, that our real love vibrations would reach our brethren who currently are spiritually blind and materially selfish which is against your will since you desire that all your children would use your spiritual insight and ground all their activity in your tolerance and wisdom received out of you by their opened personalities, and would do it with love and care and of their own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


     After the prayer sit for a while in silence and listen to the teaching of the Father on how you might help others, and yourselves, receive tolerance and wisdom from the Father-Paradise Trinity.


Peace upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you to join us in our Monday ( September 06, 2010 at 7 p.m. GMT) collective communion with the Paradise Trinity and among ourselves for our  NEW and LIVE relationships based on broader light and deeper living love.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

If you find it too difficult to worship and pray in your own words or thoughts read my prayers which I have been writing and posting for you, but read them sincerely to understand the very depth of each word in the prayer not merely to know the meaning of the word.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, I worship you that my true spiritual self, my personality, bestowed by you, has opened to you and I look around beyond the things material.

I worship you that your living love vibrates within me so strong that it produces my great desire to act in love for the benefit of all even as you act for the benefit of the whole of creation.

I worship you for it is due to your powerful leading from within that I desire to help the weak and oppressed so much that I even weep seeing injustice and oppression on the part of the most powerful brethren of ours who are far from realizing what they are doing to their brethren because their spiritual selves, their true personalities are in a deep spiritual slumber and do not hear you speak to them within to LOVE ALL WITHOUT EITHER ANY PREFERENCE OR DISCRIMINATION, EVEN AS YOU DO.

I worship you for the life around us which is filled up with miscellaneous activity and which is so vigorous that for us humans, as your sons and daughters, it is a wonderful example how we must be our true selves even as you have designed us to be your image on this planet by keeping our live relationship with you, and fusing our will with yours.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After you finish your worship sit for a while in peace and let your soul, which is opened at his moment so deeply, enjoy the blissful moment of living this relationship with the Father and the other Two persons of the Paradise Trinity, and then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all my experience I have gone through to date, thank you for the experience of this very moment which I cherish very much. Now we are praying to you, in a collective communion with you – the THREE Sources and Centers of the WHOLE OF CREATION who have your fragments-representatives as the spirit of the Father- our Thought Adjusters – indwelling our mind, and interrelating us in this communion among ourselves as well, even though we are far off by our physical form.

This time we are sending you our petitions for our NEW AND LIVING RELATIONSHIPS AMONG OURSELVES which is possible if we open our souls to you and begin to commune with you sincerely out of the very depth of our hearts-souls rather than intellectually uttering words of our prayers and if we begin to sense you within so much that we will begin to love ALL with your living love which transcends everything which is material in our world.

We are praying to you that we would begin to build our NEW AND LIVING relationships on a brighter light of reality which we come to know from your teachings, from the revelations of your Creator Son who is known to humanity as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, from his NEW revelation book I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN, from the epochal revelation of The Urantia Book, for the knowledge presented in these sources far transcends any other knowledge passed through any other book previously known to humanity; and you have provided these brighter sources of knowledge to help us see your creation by a wider and panoramic view to realize that your creation is a huge and living system in which there are no isolated segments and we are not isolated either even though we do not understand many things transpiring around us.

We are praying to you that our Spiritual true selves, our true personalities would begin to feel your leading from within so much that they would turn into a bold seekers of light and truth which would fill them up, from these sources, so much that they would desire to share this light with other brethren and by this get them enlightened even though, at this moment, they are too scared of this blinding light and truth.

We are praying to you that you would use us as your tools in your hands to take your light to our brethren out of love and of our free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer remain in this highly blissful state of your spiritual self and listen to the teachings passed by the Father on this new and living relationship of our brotherhood.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you for our Monday night (August 30, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) collective communion with the Paradise Trinity, and among us, for the soul-morontia career which is for some of us is already in progress while for the others is to come yet.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity, in our own words, or thoughts. Those of you who do not yet dare to pray in your own words, do read, only very sincerely, my prayers written for you for this purpose.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother of Creation-Brother of Creation, Infinite Spirit-Mother of Creation-Sister of Creation I worship you for your existence and for your evolutionary plan for all of us to grow and develop even as you have designed for each of us to grow in your love and truth.

I worship you for your leading from within so that my soul desires to build up this living relationship with you ever stronger and by this to experience your living presence within each of us.

I worship you for your love and care which make a living power to every soul to strive for you and develop our own selves the way you have planned this development for each of us so that we would become your images in our daily living by performing our daily chores in love and care.

I worship you for it is your living love that makes my soul experience bliss within and sing a hymn of praise to you out of love and of my own will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done.


After the Paradise Trinity worship carry on sitting in peace and let your soul, which is so deeply opened to the Father now, take in living vibrations of the love of the Father-Paradise Trinity, and after that pass to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all our experience to date and for the experience in this very moment.

This time I called on my brethren to join me in our collective prayer for our soul-morontia career. You have designed an intermediary stage, or bridge, which is called a soul, or morontia life, which connects the two banks of our eternal career – spiritual and material. You have designed that we cannot jump from our flesh into our spirit form right away, you have designed an intermediary stage – to make our career more profound and full – our resurrection in the form of soul, or morontia form, while preserving our own self which lives in the material form, and which humans call a body.

Therefore, tonight we send our love vibrations in this living communion to all our brethren who are already progressing to Paradise on a higher level of their spiritual development, in the stage of their soul identity after the resurrection as their material vehicles have already consumed all energy for their living on our planet, or due to different other causes, including tragic, stopped running this material life vehicle and its inhabitant has already passed away.

We pray for all of them that they would bravely and resolutely stride along their living path of spiritual growth and that they would lean upon your permanent leading, upon the leading of the Father-Paradise Trinity from within and would never step aside from this main path of faith and experience in your creation.

We pray that we would also realize – ever deeper – that there is no death which would destroy one’s personal identity –against the will of this person – therefore one’s passing away does not mean one’s disappearance into darkness. That only means that this person has been taken onto a higher plane of his existence and our separation is very short and that is why there is no need to shed tears.

We pray for the wellbeing of our brethren on the soul-morontia level and we are looking forward to meeting them soon, also on a higher level of morontia after OUR resurrection until which we will be doing your will in our daily environment with love and care even as you DO IT and teach us to do it.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


Sit in peace for a while after this prayer and allow your soul to listen to the Father’s teaching as to how souls progress on this level towards Him on Paradise.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,


My dears, I call on you to join us in our collective communion on Monday – August 23, 2010 – at 19 GMT for our greater understanding of and living in REALITY.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity. Those of you who still find it too difficult to worship and pray in your own words, or thoughts, read my prayers, which I permanently write you, only read them SINCERELY.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence which is YOUR REALITY, and which is filled the with the ocean of living vibrations of your Love being emitted by you ceacelessly.

I worship you for my desire to know your reality ever deeper and for my ability to experience it and by this to grow by accumulating new and origianl experiences even in everyday life environment.

I worship you for the trees and skies, for the flowers and life, for love and goodness which dominate every day life throughout the whole of creation.

I worship you for your living desire to teach us to live in your REALITY BY BOLDLY ACTING TOGETHER WITH YOU FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL for it is the only condition for the reality of the whole of creation TO DEVELOP ACCORDING TO YOUR EVOLUTIONARY PLAN.

I worship you because I desire this living relationship with you thru this worshipping communion.

I worship you for holding us all, and each, in your loving grasp and pouring your love upon and within us so that we would be able to grasp your living REALITY ever deeper IN LOVE.

I worship you in love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship of the Paradise Trinity carry on sitting in PEACE and enjoy the moments of bliss WITH the Paradise Trinity pouring THEIR LOVE upon and WITHIN you. And then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for the experience I have gone thru to date, as well as for the experience of my brethren.

In this collective communion we are praying for expanding our desire for REALITY, and for our deeper sensatoin of it, for it is this REALITY that makes up your acting around us and even our individual position and status within it.


We pray for our brethren to investigate and research reality ever deeper so that they would deliver themselves from any frozen moment of the illusion of the past and would not be scared to strive for an ever moving and developing reality which is expanding and growing, even as we all – PERSONALLY – grow by accumulating ever new experiences TOGETHER WITH YOU in a living reality.


We pray that we would ever more desire to live in Reality rather than in illusion which is now the case for the absolute majority of humans, therefore they persue selfish interests at the cost of others and by this they get enslaved by illusion even stronger and that leads them to suffering and illnesess, physical injuries and mental disruption, traffic accidents and family failures, and all other calamities to their body and mind.

We pray that our greater knowledge of reality would help us co-create goodness together with you for the benefit of all.

We pray that your living reality would become the foundation rather than the present illusion for each of us to act resolutely together with you so that our love and light would always be based on our brighter and greater knowledge of your reality and we would be able of upholding our brethren who desire to know reality which they are unaware of at the moment.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the pray stay on in paece and listen to the Father‘s teaching on Reality passed to you so opened at the moment, and let the teaching sink into your subconsciousness.


Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,


My beloved ones, this time I am calling on you to pray, in our collective Monday (August 16, 2010 – at 7p.m. GMT) communion with the Paradise Trinity, as well as among ourselves, for those of our brethren who are being kept in mental hospitals as psychiatric patients and who are also our brethren and sons and daughters of the Father-Paradise Trinity.


At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

Those of you who find it too difficult to pray and worship in your own words or thoughts read my prayers being written to you, but read them sincerely.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you in love vibrations being received from you and I feel your living presence within my living spiritual self which is your gift to each of us – our eternal and true personality, even though currently still enveloped in this material body which has a very short life span on this planet but our true self – personality – shall be resurrected after the so-called material death.

I worship you for I experience an ever growing desire for love, truth, mercy, goodness, and beauty, which you are the SOURCE AND CENTER OF IN THE WHOLE OF CREATION.

I worship you for teaching me, even as each of us, love, mercy, truth, goodness, and beauty.

I worship you for it is in this living communion that my true and spiritual self – my personality – feels an ever stronger desire to share your love with all of its brethren.

I worship you for my ever expanding cosmic insight on you and creation, which is yours, and which is ever more becoming mine as well, even as well as ours. 

I worship you for your desire to make me your image, your reflection in a material form while co-creating goodness together with you in our daily environment.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship stay calm for some time and relish in the living nectar of the Father’ Love, of the Love of the Paradise Trinity, and then pass to a petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister this time I have called on my brethren to pray for such brethren of ours who are kept in mental hospitals, who are also your children, but whose mind-consciousness has temporary setbacks and who cause great problems, even fear, to their siblings, and especially to their closest relatives – children, parents, sisters, and brothers.

I pray, together with my brethren, for the restoration of their normal consciousness vibrations so that they would carry on with their normal way of living within their families or communities. It is their disrupted, or rather not yet firmly established, living relationship with you that led them into such an awful situation of their daily ambience so that they currently find themselves in mental hospitals and receive huge amounts of psycho-tropical substances that only immerse them still deeper into illusion and farther down away form your reality. This is a deceptive treatment and which is blocking one’s true spiritual personality altogether, and psychiatrists HAVE TO KNOW IT, for they violate your main principle – suppress their patients’ FREE WILL BY ADMINISTERING DRUGS MEANWHILE IT IS THEY WHO HAVE TO KNOW THAT ONE’S FREE WILL IS YOUR GIFT TO EACH PERSONALITY AND IT MUST NOT BE SUPRESSED BY CHEMICALS SINCE IT IS EVIL.

I pray for these brethren that chemical medicine would not have any hazardous effect on the patient’s mind and that the true spiritual personality of such patients would be unaffected by this sort of treatment.

I pray that psychiatrists would also open their true spiritual personality within their mind and body to you and would realize how it is far from the true healing, offered by you, is the one they consider to be a treatment and which they apply daily to thousands and even millions of their brethren absolutely unnecessary.

I pray that they would rather apply your living love vibrations which have truly a healing effect.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.           


After the prayer sit in peace for a while and listen to the Father’s teaching about the effect of your prayer.

Peace upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you for our regular Monday (August 9, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) collective communion with the Paradise Trinity and among us for those who are in the area of fires in Russia, Greece, Portugal, USA, and any other country of the planet.

Let us worship the Paradise Trinity at first.

Read my prayers very sincerely, if you cannot yet pray in your own words.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for awakening me from so long a sleep, and now my true spiritual self desires to worship you in this living communion.

I worship you for our planet you have produced for our growth by accumulating ever new experiences, sometimes very bitter to our mind and body.

I worship you for our ever deeper vision of beauty on the planet, in its nature – forests and lakes, rivers and seas, birds and insects, fish and beasts, humans and tamed animals.

I worship you that we have already started discerning – ever deeper – the boundaries between evil and goodness and that we choose goodness – even though this choice might be painful to our mind – it does make our heart feel happy after we look back at the experience accumulated.

I worship you for your leading and teaching us from within so that we begin to realize and experience your living presence within each of us which is so powerful and strong once we let ourselves being led from within, and at the same time it is soft and subtle so that it is only our living and true spiritual self that can feel it and trust it as it grows by exercising its faith in you.

I worship you for our relationships among our brethren for it is these relationships that develop us from within and make us discern evil and goodness ever deeper for we are created according to your image to spread goodness against evil even though the absolute majority might behave in the opposite.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will, bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship remain in a peaceful state and let your soul enjoy this blissful moment of this living communion with the Paradise Trinity in a deep silence to experience the living vibrations of love pouring down from the Paradise Trinity.

Then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all our experiences, for our growth, thank you for our desire to participate in this live collective communion with you, and among us. It is our spiritual self, which our true personality, who brings each of us to this live communion, and we desire – out of love – to pray for our brethren who are currently operating, or who lived, but now lost their homes, in the areas of fires in Russia,, Greece, Portugal, the USA, and any other country on the planet. We pray that their spiritual mind would get united with you – the Source and Center of Spirits – to be able to act much better under the circumstances which are harsh when thousands of acres of forests are under fire, when whole villages are burnt out to the ground level, when very many people lost even their physical lives.

We pray and send our living love vibrations – which we all receive from you – to those brethren of ours who are currently physically and mentally exhausted while operating in these hard conditions so that they would take in your energy so that they would begin to experience your power within them and would be able to carry on their work on extinguishing the fires much more efficiently, and those who lost their homes or even their beloved ones would regain their peace of mind thru this living relationship with you.

We pray that we would trust you, and your leading from within you provide to each of us through your spirit – Thought Adjuster - so that we would open ALL our mind and heart to you, and by this take in your love even more, and send it to our brethren in the fire zone so that they would also begin to feel our strengthening being sent to them from without even as you strengthen them, all the time, from within. .

We pray that we all would direct our primal attention, and all efforts, to a meaningful activity based on your leading us from within so that even such forest and home fires might be PREVENTED RATHER THEN EXTIQUISHED ANOCE THEY ARE ALREADY IN PROGRESS. Fire prevention is more cost effective than fire extinguishing, and it is possible to prevent fires only with your participation in our daily living while doing your will out of love and of our free will bestowed by you.   

We pray that we would begin to ever deeper realize that our knowledge on your operation on our planet and in cosmos, in your creation, which is actually made for our evolutionary development and growth in your image, is crucial for our daily activity even on this material plane of our living for it reveals us your PERSON at the head of the creation family and our interrelationships with our brethren on our current planet of Urantia, and leads us to PROTECT IT AND CARE FOR IT AS OUR DEAR AND INITIAL ABODE ON THE WAY TO PARADISE, the very geographic center of creation Paradise.

We pray that we would desire ever more to belong to your creation family and even experience this real sensation of belonging to this divine family as a full-time member of it, which is true and which is REALITY IN COSMOS – YOUR CREATION – while being still on Urantia.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer remain in this condition of peace and bliss and listen to the Father’s teaching.  

My dears, this time I call on you to pray in our collective Monday (August 2, 2010, at 7p.m. GMT) communion, with the Paradise Trinity and among ourselves, for the victims of the Duisburg tragedy in Germany which claimed 19 lives and over 500 injured in the music festival.


At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

If it is still too difficult for you to worship and pray in your own words use my prayers which I have been writing specially for you, only read them with your soul-heart sincerely rather than with your intellect.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother of Creation, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister of Creation, I worship you for your existence and creation you have made.

I worship you that thanks to your living love and your living spirit within me, as well as within each of us, I have opened to you and started feeling your living presence within and which made me be born of the spirit – which is a marvelous sensation as my character changed and changed for the better to love all and do goodness to all, TOGETHER WITH YOU.

I worship you for the truth, love, mercy, goodness, and beauty you are, and for teaching us these very same things already on this initial world of our journey to and within eternity.

I worship you for making me, even as my brethren, take your look upon creation from inside rather than from outside as is the case with our material mind, and this look gives us evidence of the presence of your loving creation family, of myriads upon myriads of creatures, producing goodness for the benefit of all, and doing it out of love and of free will bestowed by you, because your love is the greatest power and force throughout the whole of creation, and it stimulates and incites all your children to work hard in love and with love, for the greatest reward which is also love for all, your love for all since YOU LOVE ALL EQUALLY AND UNIVERSALLY, and you teach us to love everyone with your love now, and forever.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you to each of us. My will is that your will be done. Amen.    


After the worship of the Paradise Trinity sit in peace for a while and relish in the living vibrations of the Paradise Trinity love and then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all my experience, whatever they have been they have been ALL for THE BETTTER for they have led me to my present status WHEN I ALREADY DESIRE to commune with you and I am in this living communion now, TOGETHER WITH MY BRETHREN.

I COMMUNE WITH YOU together with my brethren, who are far apart at the moment but who are united with me in spirit through your spirit – Thought Adjuster – indwelling our minds, and THUS we CAN collectively commune with you, and with the creation family, and among ourselves, even being in different countries.

We pray, tonight, for those brethren of ours who HAVE FALLEN VICTIM IN THE TUNNEL STAMPEDE IN THE CITY OF DUISBURG IN GERMANY, AND WHO HAVE BEEN INJURED, WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED MENTAL SHOCK DURING THIS TRAGEDY AT THE MUSIC FESTIVAL CLAIMING 19 LIVES AND OVER 500 INJURED. Some of them have been already resurrected on morontia mansion worlds, others are being kept asleep, until they are resurrected later, in the custody of their seraphic guardians, still other are still in hospital or already being treated at home – we pray for these brethren of ours who are alive not only here on our planet but also on the mansion worlds that they would feel our love vibrations from without even as they are passed by you from within so that they would begin deliver themselves from this mental condition of permanent fear and begin to assess their present condition from a different vantage point, from the point of you of your love for all.

We pray that ever greater number of medical doctors would have faith in you and that they would attend to their brethren with love and care and even explain to those who are in especially grave condition which, now, they call “fatal” that life does not end on this planet, LIFE JUST STARTS ANEW ON A MUCH HIGHER LEVEL OF EXISTENCE, AND IT RESTARTS ON REAL AND MATERIAL WORLDS ONLY IN THE FORM OF ONE’S SOUL even as it initially begins in the flesh on this world.

We pray that our brethren, who HAVE ATTENDED THIS LOVE FESTIVAL only due to their wrong living, would RECOVER BOTH PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY, and they would draw meaningful conclusions from their personal experience.

We pray in peace and love for those who have arranged this festival out of their greediness for bigger money, ignoring any means for life safety so that they would re-assess their approach to their own activity in their business and would start realizing their actions do have consequences, each time they organize such mass events, not only to the participants but also to their family members and even the whole of humanity and even of creation.

We pray for our deeper faith in you and our greater devotion to you so that our love vibrations would make a positive impact on the minds of those who are planning similar festivals in other countries so that such tragedy would not happen be it a music festival or a sport function. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


 After the prayer sit in peace for several more minutes for you are so deeply opened TO THE PARADISE TRINITY now to take in the teachings of the Paradise Trinity.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you for our collective Monday night (July 26, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) spiritual communion with the Paradise Trinity as well as among us for our turning into Jesus Christ.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity - the Father, the Eternal Son-Mother of Creation-Brother of Creation, and the Infinite Spirit-Mother of Creation-Sister of Creation – in our own words or thoughts.

Those of you who still find it too difficult to worship and pray in your own words read my prayers which I have been writing for you and posting them here in our Forum, but read them SINCERELY.


Me beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I love and desire to open to you ever deeper to worship you in this truly living relationship.

I worship you for your ceaseless bestowal of your love and life upon creation so that we can share it, tinged with our own personal experiences and our own selves with the rest of our brethren, and not only mortals in the flesh but also with spirits and Midwayers who take up an intermediary status between spirits and humans.

I worship you for holding us, all, and each, in your arms, and swinging us with love and care so that we would cease being afraid of anybody and anything since your creation is friendly and loving so there is no need to fear. 

I worship you for your light and our growth in this light so that we can understand your creation ever better and by this realize ever more that it is equally ours as it is yours for you have made it for us – to grow while accumulating different experiences – rather than for yourself.

I worship you for your evolutionary plan for the whole of creation which implies a ceaseless changing and movement for the better and for the benefit of all.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship of the Paradise Trinity sit still for a while and take in the living vibrations of the Paradise Trinity’s love and then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for our all experiences to date, and for the experience in this very moment.

Right now we are ALL spiritually united – through the spirit of the Father – Thought Adjuster – as one in sprit, in this collective communion, irrespective of the venue our physical bodies are in.

Tonight we are praying for OUR TURNING INTO JESUS CHRIST, who IS AND SHALL EVER BE ALIVE. We pray that we would turn into Jesus by FOLLOWING HIM BY LIVING IN LOVE AND TRUTH, JUSTICE AND LIGHT in our every day environment.

We pray that we would open to you ever deeper even the way Jesus opened to you while on earth so that we would begin to EXPERIENCE YOUR LOVE VIBRATIONS THE WAY JESUS EXPERIENCED THEM.

We pray even for those brethren who still live in darkness and who are even today spiritually blind – especially for religious leaders as priests and bishops – so that they would deliver themselves from the dead rituals and dogmas which incarcerate their spirit and they cannot open their hearts to you while their mind is satisfied with merely performing these dead rituals and therefore they cannot wake up from their spiritual slumber, and they do not experience you within.

We pray that these brethren of ours would discover the Father, the Father of Jesus, and their Father, within them and realize that Jesus is ALIVE WHICH I WITNESS MYSELF SINCE I HAVE ENCOUNTERED JESUS – A LIVING JESUS – IN A MIDNIGHT FOREST ON MY FIRST TRIP WITH THE URANTIA BOOK AROUND LITHUANIA AND I ASSOCIATED WITH HIM FOR TWO HOURS, AND SUBSEQUENTLEY I COMMUNED WITH HIM AND REVEIVED HIS NEW REVELATION – HIS NEW GOSPEL – I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN – in which he calls on us to discover his, and our, Father within and commune with the Father even as he has discovered Him and communed with Him while in the flesh as one of us and among us two thousand years back.

We pray that we would be more resolute on this living path and by turning into Jesus Christ would merely reflect Jesus’ way of OUR living in truth and love, light and justice and our every day action would also be grounded on the qualities of the character of Jesus patience and mercy, wisdom and action for the benefit of all out of love and of free will.

I pray that we would always deepen our living relationship with the Paradise Trinity, and this living relationship shall by itself eliminate any fake idea of Jesus Christ as an ideal which must not be pursued since it is impossible to reach. No, it is wrong. Jesus has come to our planet to perform his mission to accumulate human life experience and to show us that we CAN LIVE THE WAY HE DID.

I pray for a living Jesus, for his well-being as a Co-Creator and Co-Ruler of the Local Universe of Nebadon and that we all might also contribute to his well-being be turning into Jesus Christ while we still live in the flesh on opening to you FOR EVER IN LOVE AND LIGHT.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer, sit in peace for a while and listen to the Father’s teaching about a living communion with Him and your turning into a living Jesus.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,


My dears, this time I call on you to join us in our Monday (July 19, 2010 at 7 p.m. GMT) collective communion with the Paradise Trinity – and among us – for TOLERANCE, which is so important for our character building.


At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity – the Father of Creation, the Eternal Son-Mother-Brother of Creation, and the Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister of Creation.

Worship and pray in your own words, or thoughts, if it is too difficult for you then read my prayers I have been writing for you, only read them sincerely, so to say, with your HEART rather than with your MIND.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your love which you are pouring DOWN ceaselessly upon US ALL – AND EACH – upon the whole of your creation by emitting real LOVE ENERGY VIBARTIONS WHICH MAKE UP YOUR ESSENCE.

I worship you for the meadows and flowers, for the seas and oceans, for the rivers and lakes, for all wonderful system of creation which is called REALITY INHABITED BY LIFE.

I worship you for my expanded COSMIC INSIGHT upon you, and upon myself as a person, as a personality, bestowed – as an eternal gift – upon me BY YOU, even as you bestow this very same gift of a unique and original personality upon each person in your creation.

I worship you for my expanded views upon the whole of creation, and upon my brethren, and this expanded vantage point of mine has already been broadened up to the vast family of the whole of creation; and this concept, and this vantage point of mine, has been – and is being permanently – passed by you to us, mortals, as your human children, possessing your eternal gift of a unique personality, and this same personality owns its eternal potential which is transformed by you, and by your revelations, into our new actuals.

I worship you for this loving and living relationship my spiritual self, this true personality – has been experiencing ever deeper in such living communion with you – both personally and collectively – even as it is being experienced in this current our communion.

I worship you for my greater desire to commune with you daily and dedicate all my activity to you and for the benefit of all so that brighter light would spread to as many brethren of mine as possible.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship stay in peace for several minutes and enjoy the moments of living love within from the Paradise Trinity. And then get to a petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, tonight we are praying – in our collective communion – which is our weekly collective communion with you and among ourselves – for TOLERANCE since TOO MANY of our brethren are INTOLERANT, so that they are even confused by this very concept.

Their intolerance equals their spiritual BLINDNESS and naturally it leads them to wrong paths off your ONLY LIVING PATH OF LOVE AND CO-CREATION OF GOODNESS TO ALL TOGETHER WITH YOU IN YOUR BRIGHT LIGHT OF THE WHOLE FAMILY OF CREATION.

We pray for their awakening to your brighter light by opening their true spiritual selves so that their intolerance would melt in your LOVE, and this would also eliminate their current impatience to drawing quick general conclusions since intolerance and impatience lead them to wrong decisions and bitter consequences after having carried out these wrong decisions.

Therefore we pray that our brethren would expand their understanding of tolerance and that they would become tolerant to their own spiritual growth and this would help them keep their live communion with you and it is only FROM YOU that they can receive living vibration of LOVE ENERGY AND THEIR TOLERANCE WOULD BE TURNED INTO THEIR STRONG DESIRE TO LEAN UPON YOUR BRIGHT LIGHT WHICH IS FILLED WITH YOUR LOVE, and share it with ALL, and for the benefit of ALL, and this SHALL lead them to doing goodness as CO-CREATORS, TOGETHER WITH YOU, TO ALL OUR BRETHREN.  

We pray that we would stay in our living relationship with you every day while even we are engaged in our daily work – but doing it together with you – and you will teach us, each, TOLERANCE in our daily performance and even in our approach to our brethren.

We pray for our deeper opening to YOUR LOVE, MELTING INTOLERANCE, because it is only LOVE that makes us stronger while taking a look at ourselves from within, and by your look, which is always loving, because TOLERANCE cannot be developed AS SUCH BY ITSELF without our living relationship with you and our greater knowledge about you which we take in from such revelations as The Urantia Book and I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN by our Creator Son who is known to the majority of us as Jesus Christ.

We pray that our love in our living relationship with you and our greater knowledge about you we would apply in practice in wisdom which we receive from you as the Source and Center of Wisdom for the whole of creation.

We are praying that our present day intolerance, causing plenty of problems to the world and leading humanity away from you rather than closer to you, would be melted in your love once our brethren open to you and begin to experience your living presence within, and then we together shall worship and glorify you – 




OUT OF LOVE BESTOWED UPON US BY YOU. and our living religion – revealed to us by you as the living religion of THE PARADISE TRINITY - shall embrace the world, and spiritual enlightenment of humanity shall EVENTUALLY become a living reality as the spreading of our living temple also named after you – THE TEMPLE OF THE PARADISE TRINITY – SHALL EMBRACE ALL THE SHRINES AND CHURCHES OF OUR PLANET.


After the prayer sit still for a while and take in the teaching of the Father on LOVE AND TOLERANCE WITHIN IT sinking into human sub-consciousness but at the right moment it shall emerge as a new and bright idea or action for the benefit of all.


Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears this time I call on you for our regular Monday (July 12, 2010 – at 7p.m. GMT) collective and live communion with the Paradise Trinity, and among us, for the kids who have physical injuries and the so-called fatal diseases.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

If it is still too difficult for you to worship and pray in your own words, or thoughts, please, read my prayers written for you, but read them sincerely.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, I worship you that my soul has opened to you and I look around beyond the things material.

I worship you that your living love vibrates within my living and true self which is a spiritual personality as bestowed upon me, even as upon each of us, by you, so strong that it produces within me my great desire to act in love for the benefit of all even as you act for the benefit of the whole of creation.

I worship you for it is due to your powerful leading from within that I desire to help the weak and oppressed, experiencing injustice and injuries so much that I desire to remedy all these shortcomings of our civilization but that is impossible in any other way but by discovering you with by each of us and therefore I desire to worship you even more to be able to take your light to my brethren and tell them about the way out, the only way out for the world, of this current and deplorable situation on our planet. AS long as our brethren are spiritually asleep and blind the current injustice and oppression, injuries and fatal diseases shall prevail among humans for they are being caused by their low frequency energy vibrations being radiated by all of them PERMANENTLY – DAY AND NIGHT – and by this producing a definite pattern for OUR PHYSICAL THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS AND VIRUSES TO MATERIALIZE.

I worship you for the life around us which is filled up with miscellaneous activity and which is so vigorous that for us humans, as your sons and daughters, it is a wonderful example how we must be our true selves even as you have designed us to be your image on this planet by keeping our live relationship with you, and fusing our will with yours.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After you finish your worship prayer sit for a while in peace and let your TRUE SPIRITUAL SELF, which is opened at his moment so deeply, enjoy this blissful moment of living this relationship with the Father and the other Two persons of the Paradise Trinity, and then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for my experiences I have gone through to date, thank you for the experience of this very moment which I cherish very much. Now we are praying to you, in a collective communion with you – the THREE Sources and Centers of the WHOLE OF CREATION who have your fragments-representatives as the spirit of the Father- our Thought Adjusters – indwelling our mind, and interrelating us in this communion among ourselves as well, even though we are far off by our physical form.

This time we are sending you our petitions of true love vibrations to those little children who have found themselves in an awfully difficult situation by having experienced heavy injuries, maybe even losing some of their limbs, or having critical heart condition or the so-called fatal diseases, and who currently are unable to change their physical condition by themselves, or by their parents, and even by their doctors, but they also have YOUR ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO THEM BUT THEY ARE NOT AWARE OF, NEITHER ARE THEIR PARENTS NOR DOCTORS.

We pray in this live collective communion that our love vibrations would be directed to all such kids, and their parents, and their doctors, so that they would start feeling some impulses within so that they would be soothed and strengthened from within and experience some peace in their hearts and desire to change their attitude to the current situation of theirs as well as their attitude to all around them so that it would be formed on LOVE AND SUPERHUMAN ASSISTANCE RATHER THAN EXCLUSIVELY ONLY ON MAN’S WILL BASED ON A MATERIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.

We are praying to you that we would OPEN TO YOU MUCH DEEPER AND STRONGER, so that we might see a brighter light of reality which we come to know from your teachings, from the revelations of your Creator Son who is known to humanity as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, from his NEW revelation book I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN, from the epochal revelation of The Urantia Book, for the knowledge presented in these sources far transcends any other knowledge passed through any other book previously known to humanity; and you have provided these brighter sources of knowledge to help us see your creation by a wider and panoramic view to realize that your creation is a huge and living system in which there are no isolated segments and we are not isolated either even though we do not understand many things transpiring around us, AND OUR BRIGHTER SHINING SHALL RADIATE HIGHER FREQUENCY ENERGY VIBRATIONS WHICH SHALL GRADUALLY CHANGE THE AMBIANCE SO THAT PHYSICAL ACCIDENTS WOULD BE NOT THAT TRAGIC AND SEVERE, AND FATAL DISEASES SHALL BE FEWER, AND DOCTORS SHALL TREAT THEM WITH YOUR ASSISTANCE RATHER THAN BY THEMSELVES AND OF THEMSELVES, AND ALONE. .

We are praying to you that we would begin to feel your leading from within so much that our life and our deeds would demonstrate to all what they ALSO need to do – to turn into bold seekers of light and truth – which would fill them up, from these sources – from you – so much that they would desire to share this light with other brethren, and those who are injured or ill SHALL BEGIN TO CHANGE THEIR APPROACH TO THEIR PRESENT CONDITION, AND THIS CHANGE OF MIND WOULD OPEN THEIR TRUE SELVES WHO IS SPIRITUAL AND WHO IS THE ONLY ONE TO ACCEPT YOUR ASSISTANCE WHICH IS ALREADY PROVIDED TO THEM, ONLY THEY DO NOT SEE IT, NEITHER THEY KNOW ABOUT IT.

We are praying to you that you would use us as your tools in your hands to take your light to our brethren out of love and of our OWN free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer remain in this highly blissful state and listen to the teachings passed by the Father.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you for our Monday night (July 5, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) collective communion with the Paradise Trinity and among us for the soul-morontia career of the former president of Lithuania Algirdas Brazauskas who has just passed away, and for the catholic priests who did not allow his body into the Arch-cathedral during the mass for his soul.


At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity, in our own words, or thoughts. Those of you who do not yet dare to pray in your own words, do read, only very sincerely, my prayers written for you for this purpose.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother of Creation-Brother of Creation, Infinite Spirit-Mother of Creation-Sister of Creation I worship you for your existence and for your evolutionary plan for all of us to grow and develop even as you have designed for each of us to grow in your love and truth.

I worship you for your leading from within so that my soul desires to build up this living relationship with you ever stronger and by this to experience your living presence within each of us.

I worship you for your love and care which make up a living power of every soul so that the soul desires to strive for you and develop itself the way you have planned this development for each of us so that we would become your images in our daily living by performing our daily chores in love and care.

I worship you for it is your living love that makes my soul experience bliss within and sing a hymn of praise for you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done.


After the Paradise Trinity worship carry on sitting in peace and let your soul, which is so deeply opened to the Father now, take in living vibrations of the love of the Father-Paradise Trinity, and after that pass to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all our experience to date and for the experience in this very moment.

This time I called on my brethren to join me in our collective prayer for the former president of Lithuania Algirdas Brazauskas, who has just passed away, soul-morontia career and for the Lithuanian catholic priesthood which have denied the last will of the late president to be served the last mass with his body in the Arch-cathedral.

You have designed an intermediary stage, or bridge, which is called a soul, or morontial life, which connects the two banks of our eternal career – spiritual and material. You have designed that we cannot jump from our flesh into our spirit form right away, you have designed an intermediary stage – to make our career more profound and full – our resurrection in the form of soul, or morontia form, while preserving our own selves who live in the material form, and which humans call a body.

Therefore, tonight we send our love vibrations in this living communion to our brother in spirit Algirdas Brazauskas who might be resurrected on the third day and who might be already progressing to Paradise on a higher level of his spiritual development, in the stage of his soul identity after the resurrection as his material vehicle has already consumed all energy for his living on our planet.

And we pray for those blind and deaf catholic priests who dare to consider themselves as mediators between you and humans and who did not allow the body of the late president of Lithuania be brought in the Arch-cathedral even during the mass for his soul. We pray that they open their souls-hearts to you and would begin to feel within their hearts that you LOVE ALL BY THE SAME LOVE, and there is no one whom you might either reject or abandon.

We pray for the morontia career of all who have already been resurrected so that they would bravely and resolutely stride along their living path of spiritual growth and that they would lean upon your permanent leading from within and would never step aside from this main path of faith and experience in your creation.

We pray that we would also realize – ever deeper – that there is no death which would destroy one’s personal identity –against the will of this person – therefore one’s passing away does not mean one’s disappearance into darkness. That only means that this person has been taken onto a higher plane of his existence and our separation is very short and that is why there is no need to shed tears.

We pray for the wellbeing of our brethren on the soul-morontia level and we are looking forward to meeting them soon, also on a higher level of morontia after OUR resurrection until which we will be doing your will in our daily environment with love and care even as you DO IT and teach us to do it.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


Sit in peace for a while after this prayer and allow your soul to listen to the Father’s teaching as to how souls progress on this level towards Him on Paradise.


Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, this time I call on you to join us in our Monday night (June 28, 2010 – at 7p.m. GMT) collective communion with the Paradise Trinity and among us for the kids who have been abandoned by their parents.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

Those of you who do not yet dare to worship and pray in your own words or thoughts read my prayers written for you specially, but read them sincerely.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence and for life created by you in love.

I worship you for allowing us to use our free will bestowed by you in making any decision between evil and goodness and by this choice to either approach you closer within or go farthrer away from you without.

I worship you for your love and light you share with each soul which opens to you from within and which starts feeling your love vibrations which are living and invigorating the soul.

I worship you for perfecting each of us according to your evolutionary plan designed for our own personal growth.

I worship you because my soul desires to get ever closer to you by communing with you even in this worship, and by feeling your living presence within me.

I worship you for my soul desires to worship you ever stronger for it is in this living bond that my soul feels the insight of reality on a cosmic level.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship stay on in peace and let your soul drink the living nectar of the love vibrations of the Paradise Trinity, and then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all the experience I have gone through to date and for the one of this moment in our collective communion.

Tonight we are praying for the little kids who might be abandoned by their parents. We pray that such kids – irrrespective of their age – would feel our love vibrations directed to them and which embrace them so that their hearts would be warmed up and their souls would be at peace even though they might have just experienced very harsh moments.

We pray that the parents who lose their common sense due to different causes which reflect the turns and twists of their lives would also feel our loving vibrations and that their hearts would feel at least a minor impulse of a desire to readjust their lives and get their abandoned children back home if there is one.

We pray for those little kids who might be abused physically, morally, or even sexually so that they would begin to feel within that there is some greater force even stronger than the one causing them harm and that they would not fear this force but on the contrary that they would let this force lead them from within since it is your, Father, living spirit indwelling their mind who is upholding them from within.

We are praying for all the children who need support and comfort from on high and our love vibrations also act as a real tool of the Providence of the Paradise Trinity.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer remain in tranquility and listen to the teaching provided to your soul by the Father.

Peace upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you for our collective Monday communion (June 21, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) with the Paradise Trinity and among us for our spiritually blind and deaf brethren who read The Urantia Book only intellectually so that they would begin to see and hear spiritually rather than intellectually their own selves and the ambience around.


At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

Those of you who find it too difficult to worship and pray in your own words or thoughts, please, read SINCERELY my prayers which I write specially for you.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence and operation in creation which – made by you in space – for our evolution, for our development through experiencing.

I worship you for your living presence within each of us through your fragment – our Thought ADJUSTERS – bestowed upon us to help us grow spiritually so that we can experience your being within each of us once we open our hearts-souls to you.

I worship you for leading us to our personal growth to our true spiritual height which has been designed for us, each, according to your evolutionary plan and which is our spiritual personality in operation for the benefit of all.

I worship you for your living love, which is bathing the whole of creation in this living ocean of love vibrations, and each soul, and spirit, experiences its operation within if the soul, or spirit, opens to you and adheres to your leading from within.

I worship you that you have made creation as our play ground to accumulate our new experiences and by this ever more reflect your image to our brethren by our common every day deeds.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship of the Paradise Trinity sit in peace for a while and let your soul enjoy this blissful moment, and then pass to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for opening our souls and hearts ever deeper so that we desire to participate in this collective communion with you and among ourselves.

This time I called on my brethren to pray for our brethren who do read the Epochal revelation of The Urantia Book and the revelation by Jesus Christ I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN, and other teachings revealed to us by the THREE PERSONS of the Paradise Trinity intellectually rather than spiritually, therefore they remain spiritually blind and deaf.

Thus, we pray for them that they would open their hearts rather than their mere intellect to you so that they begin to see and hear spiritually what is the TRUE light and truth in creation – and which starts and ends within their own selves and their living relationship with you made into real deeds in your living love and light for others and for the benefit of all.

We pray that they would begin to live in this LIVING light and truth – all submerged in your ETERNAL Love – rather than TO REMAIN in their subconscious and conscious INTELLECTUAL fear which generates their distrust in you and among them and which blocks them from making wise decisions in whatever capacity they might make them and pass this living love and light to others leaning exclusively upon you.

I pray that such brethren of ours, in any country, would feel our love vibrations while we are praying in this collective communion and would calm down their mind so that their souls might start feeling your living presence within them – at least for a moment – so that they would begin to EXPERIENCE that there is some living power WITHIN THEM which calms down their SELVES, and their current INTELLECTUAL FEAR diminishes, and they will begin to think and act in a more peaceful manner and after some time they will also begin to realize that this sort of peace SURPASSES THEIR INTELLECT and therefore allows them to see new colors around them and to hear new sounds and words in their environment to which they have been blind and deaf before.

I pray that such brethren of ours should start feeling your energy force from within and would give up all outer means to suppress all stress and fear but rather apply their sincere prayers so that their mind would be calmed down and their souls would be filled with your living water to quench their spiritual thirst and which would also lead them to their real experience that IT IS ONLY YOU WHO CAN GIVE THEM THE CLUE TO THE SPIRITUAL REVELATIONS TO EXPERIENCE THEIR SPIRITUAL LOVE AND LIGHT AND LIVE THE TRUTH IN THEIR LIVING RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU.

I pray for these brethren of ours that our greater devotion to your leading from within would radiate your love vibrations out of us to all of them so that they might be awakened from this spiritual slumber and that they might also find a way out of their INTELLECTUAL MAZE they are currently in, and which is so harsh to them, even though they do not know it yet since they are still blind and deaf by their spiritual vision and hearing.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer carry on sitting in peace and listen to the Father’s teaching to your soul as to how it might be possible to help such brethren of ours now and in the future.


Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,


My dears, I call on you for our Monday (June 14, 2010 – at 7p.m. GMT) collective communion with the Paradise Trinity, and among us, to pray for spreading the Father‘s idea passed to me in His teaching to promote in Lithuania – in a currently difficult economic situation – house construction and agriculture. This idea might be applied in other countries as well.


We have prayed for this idea some time ago, let us do it again.


Let us worship the Paradise Trinity at first.


Those who do not dare to worship the Paradise Trinity, and to pray in their own words, or thoughts, read my prayers which I have been writing for you specially.


Only read them SINCERELY.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your love and life in creation made by you for our evolutionary growth through experiencing.

I worship you for the sky and clouds, for the lakes and rivers, for the oceans and seas, I worship you for our planet – Urantia – and miscellaneous life on it.

I worship you for being able to appreciate experience given by you to me personally as well as to each of us, and to enjoy each moment with you even as I enjoy this moment of worshiping you out of love.

I worship you for my soul‘s living relationship with you while worshiping your and praying, and for my soul‘s ever growing desire to move this sensation from this moment of my living communion with you to my everyday relationships with my brethren in every day circumstances whatever I might be engaged in and wherever I might find myself in.

I worship you for my soul is alive and your spirit is also alive within me and this living relationship makes my soul into your image within which is ever becomnig stronger and more powerful in action together with you.

I worship you of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


 After he worship of the Paradise Trinity stay on in this blissfull state of tranquility and enjoy this living moment of communion with the Paradise Trinity. Then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for all my experiences to date, and for the experience of the moment.

I called on my brethren for this regular Monday collective communion with YOU, and among us, to pray for the Father‘s idea passed to me in His teaching as to what must be done in Lithuania now – in such hard economic times. This very idea might also be applied in other countries.

My beloved Father, you told me that currently priority must be given to two fields – house construction and agriculture. You told me that house construction promotes development at least in five more subsidiary branches – communication, transport, road building and maintenance, house maintenance, and the manufacture of construction materials. And Lithuania can do all this by using its own resources and labor force, while the product – homes – does not need exporting since the customer is a local resident. In additon to this you have explained to me the very mechanism of implementing this idea even as you have explained to me why the other fiel to be developed is agriculture and in which way it must be done.

Therefore I posted this Father‘s idea on our website in Lithuanian so that it would find as many readers as possible and I pray that his idea would reach not only the minds but also the hearts of those brethren of ours who make decisions since this implementation needs amendments in the Law on the National Bank.

We pray that the leadership of our country would get to know this idea and would do their best to implement it the way it has been prescribed by you, my bwloved Father.

We pray that the current deplorable economic-financial situation the world over would  lead political and financial minds of the major powers to an idea that Lithuania‘s path is also a clue to their minor losses and anguish.

We pray that the current situation when the family and society are undergoing a catastrophic crisis must be gradually remedied by implementing this idea of the Father.

We pray that ever greater number of our brethren would get to know this idea and begin to discuss it in different circles up to the national Forum of politicians, businessmen, scientists, religionist, farmers, representatives of local communities, and men at large.

We pray for our resolute and broad participation in the implementation of this idea for the benefit of all. This idea is yours, its implementation is ours.

We pray for this idea since everything is possible with YOU.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.   


After the praye still stit on in peace and listen to the Father‘s teaching on how to reach as many people in promoting the Father‘s idea as possible.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you for our collective MONDAY communion ( JUNE 7, 2010, at 7p.m. GMT) with the Paradise Trinity and among us, so that we would build up our greater trust in this live relationship AND THOSE WHO FIGHT THE ILOL SPILL IN THE GULF OF MEXICO would eventually succeed to seal the leakage.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity. Those who do not dare to worship and pray in their own words or thoughts may read my prayers written specially for you.  But read them SINCERELY rather than mechanically.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence and its manifestation to our eyes and souls through this living relationship with you in everyday life circumstances.

I worship you for my soul’s sincere opening to you and for my soul’s feeling an ever growing desire to keep this live communion with you and experience you within.

I worship you for my soul’s growing sense for beauty, goodness, justice, mercy, and love, and all these sensations are live for they are experienced by my soul once it calms down and keeps communion with you.

I worship you for your wonderful evolutionary design for the whole of creation which makes each personality in creation reveal its best qualities by becoming ever more like you and this way reflecting this image of yours to others.

I worship you that you are the Source and Center of Love and Light which cannot exist separately and apart from each other therefore my soul desires your love and light ever stronger, even as it desires to pass them to my other brethren.

I worship you for your leading from within for it is due to this live leading that my soul has been waked up to your love and light which the soul feels very sensitively, and it desires to bathe within the living vibrations of your love and light all the time.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the Paradise Trinity worship sit on in peace and enjoy this live communion with the Paradise Trinity and with the whole of the creation FAMILY, and then get to the petition prayer.   


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for opening our souls ever deeper that we desire this living collective communion with you AND AMONG US – INCLUDING SPIRITS AND MIDWAYERS – for we are all your children and who are members of your divine family.  Therefore our souls desire that this divine family would reflect your love and light through the deeds of each of its member, including us, humans.

This time I called on my brethren to pray for those who participate in liquidating the monstrous ecological catastrophe of oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico where an oil platform had blasted – claiming eleven lives – and oil has been ceaselessly leaking out of oil pipe in the ocean at the depth of 1,500 meters since April 20. All human efforts so far have been unsuccessful to cap the three holes out of which the oil spill is polluting EVERTYTHING AND KILLING LIFE IN THE OCEAN AND ASHORE. No one knows EXACTLY how MUCH OF OIL IS LEAKING A DAY – 5,000 barrel OR 50,000, OR EVEN 80,000 BARRELS.

We are praying that those of our brethren who are directly engaged in this ocean CATASTROPHE – CAUSED BY HUMANS – would “bandage” this “bleeding” oil wound by at first opening their hearts-souls to you to receive your wisdom as to how to tackle this problem under the circumstances and then to pray for your ASSISTANCE which would be provided by you through the operation of invisible Midwayers so that current human efforts would be crowned with success.

I pray – together with my brethren – that other brethren of ours who live and work in this area which has been and still is being affected by this catastrophic oil leakage – thousands of fishermen and crab and shrimp catchers and their family members as well as those supermarkets and cafes to whom they supply their catch – shall not go bankrupt but even if some of them do that they would not lose their courage to carry on their everyday life by leaning upon you and that they would take this experience as one more test to their souls so that in these very hard conditions they would not become less loving and less adherent to your leading from within.

We pray that the people who do their best to liquidate the accident would experience some enlightenment from you so that they would know the solution in this critical situation to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people living and working in this part of the globe, even though the consequences of this accident shall be experienced by all humanity, and by the whole of global ecosystem.

We pray that our love vibrations should also knock on the doors of the hearts of those mighty and wealthy brethren who are planning to drill new oil sites in the ocean to generate even greater profits to meet their selfish and greedy selves so that they would stop thinking about their material riches being used only for a handful of people, at the cost of billions of their brethren.

We pray that our love vibrations would make our contribution to your evolutionary plan on our planet, Urantia, even as you have designed it.

I pray out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer sit in peace for a longer while and listen to the teaching of the Father-Paradise Trinity passed over to your soul.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you to join us in our living collective Monday (May 31, 2010, - at 7p.m.GMT) communion with the Paradise Trinity and among us for those who do not find a job and start losing ground under their feet.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

If you find it too difficulti to worship and pray in your own words or thoughts do read my prayers written specially for you, only read them sincerely, feeling the meaning of each word of the prayer within your heart.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence and creation you have made for our growth in your love and light.

I worship you for your living love which is reaching the farthers corners of creation – even as it is in the very geographic center of creation – on Paradise, and there is abundance of your love throughout the whole of creation for you are ceacelessly pouring it out upon creation and upon life in creation made out of this very same energy of love.

I worship you because it is due to your operation in creation that life can develop for it is you who have designed evolution and implement it on planets in space; and the way develops and grows each creature this way develops by one individual in particular the whole of creastion.

I worship you for my soul‘s opening to you and for my soul‘s strong desire to fuse with you in love and light for the benefit of the family of the whole of your creation which has turned into mine as well thanks to this living relationship with you.

I worship you for all my experience to date and for the experience of the moment for it is due to experience that our souls develop and become ever stronger to shine your light – ever brighter – to our brethren out of love and of our own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the Paradise Trinity worship remain in peace for a while and allow your opened soul to drink a living water of love directly from the The Paradise Trinity, and then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for our souls ever deeper opening to you and for their desire to commune with you collectively. Thank you for our experience which is the only driving power based on your love that gives more confidence in our own selves and a greater trust in you to walk on along your living path of light and truth.

At the present time our planet undergoes a time when nobody in the whole of humanity can be certain of tomorrow‘ material developments because – due to mismanagement of political and economic situation in different countries – one‘s material wealth accumulated does no longer guarantee stability in one‘s material life even though quite a few people still think that they can buy their comfort for their material wealth or power.

However, there are millions upon millions who are losing their jobs and who have no savings and, who have no material ground under their feet whatever, and who cannot find a new job; and as time runs on they start losing their temper and begin to lose their hopes and fall into a deep depresion.

Therefore, we pray for those brethren of ours who are in such hard conditions, who cannot increase their lean funds which are also melting very fast; we pray for all jobless who cannot find a new job due to a very hard situation in their countries, so that they would not lose their taste for life and that they would all seek comfort, strngth, and peace only IN YOU WHO IS INDWELLING EACH OF US, INCLUDING OUR BRETHREN LOSING THEIR HOPE FOR A BETTER LIFE..

We pray that all their thoughts and minds would be directed to you so that wisdom from you would prompt them wiser and brighter decisions as to how to manage the situation for the benefit of all since all political and business leaders of all countries are powerless to change anything without you – they even do not know it – therefore all their actions ARE – AND SHALL BE – FUTILE.

We pray that our brethren would become ever stronger to stand these dramatical moments for them and even turn into the living examples of a steadfast behavior to their other brethren who might also find themselves in a similar situation.

We pray that they would seek their shelter within your living presence – which is within each of us – for you are indwelling the minds of each of us by sending the Father‘s spirit – a Thought Adjuster.

And with you everything is possible for what desires a son, and the Father wants IT IS.       

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer stay on in peace for a while and let your soul listen to the Father‘s teaching as to how old pensioners and jobless might be sustained in these economically hard times.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,



My dears, I call on you for our collective Monday night (May 24, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) spiritual communion with the Paradise Trinity as well as among us for those of our brethren who just begin to open their souls to the Father-Paradise Trinity.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity - the Father, the Eternal Son-Mother of Creation-Brother of Creation, and the Infinite Spirit-Mother of Creation-Sister of Creation – in our own words or thoughts.

Those of you who still find it too difficult to worship and pray in your own words read my prayers which I have been writing for you and posting them here on our website, but read them SINCERELY.


Me beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I love you and my soul desires to open to you ever deeper to worship you in this truly living relationship.

I worship you for your love and life you bestow, ceaselessly, upon creation and we can share your love, tinged with our own personal experience and our own selves with the rest of our brethren, and not only with mortals in the flesh but also with spirits, souls, and Midwayers who take up an intermediary status between spirits and humans.

I worship you for holding us, all and each, in your arms and swinging us with love and care so that we would cease being afraid of anybody and anything since your creation is friendly and loving so there is no need to fear. 

I worship you for your light and our growth in this light so that we can understand your creation ever better and realize ever more that it is equally ours as it is yours for you have made it for us rather than for yourself.

I worship you for your evolutionary plan for the whole of creation which implies a ceaseless changing and movement for the better for the benefit of all.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship of the Paradise Trinity sit still for a while and let your souls take in the living vibrations of the Paradise Trinity love and then get to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I thank you for all experience I have gone through to date and for the current moment’s experience. This time I have called my brethren for tonight’s collective communion for those of our brethren who desire to open their souls to you, and they timidly begin to open them and address you directly which hard for them to do since they are not yet accustomed to this sort of a bold communion with you for they are just the beginners on this living path, and our current collective communion shall give them a much stronger impetus to carry on with this idea so that they would begin to realize that there is some greater power within them which causes their desire to open their souls and they go on doing it ever more resolutely and even with spiritual passion.

I pray for their stronger desire to remain in this open communion while there are billions of those who might laugh at them for such – to their understanding – unprofitable and undesirable ideas and ideals from a material vantage point.

I pray that they would ever become stronger in their living communion with you so that this communion would change their behaving with their colleagues and friends even though the latter might live and behave just the opposite finding this way of living of theirs as more appropriate to their selves, false selves.

I pray that those of our brethren who desire to lead a true life of a living communion with you and do not yet dare to step on this path vigorously would start feeling, right at this moment, some urging, within themselves, that they must be more resolute on this path and would not care for the poignant words of those who oppose this way of living as inappropriate for them, and as unreal and illusionary.

I pray that our brethren who begin to open their souls everyday would start feeling your support and would come to the point of understanding and even experience that they have benefited themselves more than they can ever benefit themselves materially since they began to feel peace within their souls and power to carry on this way of living even stronger and at a more resolute pace.

I pray that these brethren of ours would also discover you within themselves and would continue on this path together with you even as you lead each of us along this living path of eternity to live for the benefit of all, for the family of the whole of creation.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer sit still for a while and listen to the Father’s teaching how to open your souls ever deeper leaning upon His leading form within.

Peace upon you.

With brotherly love,




My dears, I call on you for our collective Monday communion (May 17, 2010 at 7p.m. GMT) with the Paradise Trinity and among us for our spiritually blind and deaf brethren that they would begin to see and hear spiritually.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

Those of you who find it too difficult to worship and pray in your own words or thoughts, please, read SINCERELY my prayers which I write specially for you.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence and operation in creation which has been made by you in space for our evolution.

I worship you for your living presence within each of us through your fragment – our Thought ADJUSTERS – so that we can experience your being within each of us once we open our hearts-souls to you.

I worship you for leading us to our personal growth into our true spiritual height which has been designed for us, each, according to your evolutionary plan.

I worship you for your living love, which is bathing the whole of creation in this living ocean of love, and each soul, and spirit, experiences its operation within if the soul, or spirit, opens to you and adheres to your leading from within.

I worship you that you have made the whole of creation for our growth as our play ground to accumulate our new experiences and by this ever more reflect your image to our brethren by our common every day deeds.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the worship of the Paradise Trinity sit in peace for a while and let your soul enjoy this blissful moment, and then pass to the petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for opening our souls and hearts ever deeper so that we desire to participate in this collective communion with you and among ourselves.

This time I called on my brethren to pray for our brethren who are spiritually blind and deaf so that they begin to see and hear spiritually what is the TRUE light and truth in creation, so that they would begin to live in this light and truth – all submerged in your ETERNAL Love – rather than TO REMAIN in their subconscious and conscious fear which generates their distrust in you and among them and which blocks them from making wise decisions in whatever capacity they might make them AND LEADS THEM TO THEIR PHYSICAL PROBLEMS – be they prime ministers or presidents, kings or queens, businessmen or employees, doctors or patients, rich or poor, parents or children, jobless or homeless they all HAVE TO LIVE IN YOUR LOVE AND LIGHT TO IMPROVE THEIR SPIRITUAL CONDITION AND PHYSICAL HEALTH CONDITON.

I pray that such brethren of ours, in any country, would feel our love vibrations while we are praying in this collective communion and would calm down their mind so that their souls might start feeling your living presence within them – at least for a moment – so that they would begin to think that there is some living power within which calms down their SELVES and their fear diminishes, and they will begin to think and act in a more peaceful manner and after some time they will also begin to realize that this sort of peace of their mind allows them to see new colors around them and to hear new sounds and words in their environment to which they have been blind and deaf before.

I pray that such brethren of ours should start feeling your energy force from within and would give up all alcoholic beverages to suppress all stress and fears but rather apply their sincere prayers out of their hearts so that their mind would be calmed down and their souls would be filled with your living water to quench their spiritual thirst and which would also lead them to the improvement of the condition of their physical vehicles truly experiencing your energy inflow.

I pray for these brethren of ours that our greater devotion to your leading from within would radiate your love vibrations out of us to all of them so that they might be awakened from this spiritual slumber and that they might also find a way out of the situation they are currently in, and which is so harsh to them, even though they do not know it yet since they are still blind and deaf by their spiritual vision and hearing.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer carry on sitting in peace and listen to the Father’s teaching to your soul as to how it might be possible to help such brethren of ours now and in the future.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,


My dears, I call on you to join us in our collective communion with the Paradise Trinity, and among ourselves, on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 7 GMT; this time we shall pray for our wiser solutions in all spheres of our life on our world.

At first let us worship the Paradise Trinity.

Do it in your own words, but if you find it too difficult then use my prayers written specially for you, only read them sincerely.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for your existence and love you generate since you are the Source and Center of Eternal Love for the whole of creation.

I worship you for training me from within to see the ambience with your look which always is the look of love and goodness and which is always active, never passive and indifferent.

I worship you for leading and teaching me from within so that I would dare to act wisely in love and mercy from without.

I worship you that my soul ever more desires to fuse with you once it is opened to you and even feels your living presence within.

I worship you for your light and truth which are eternal and constant manifestations of your deeds manifested thru your other children who keep their living communion with you; and who also desire, ever stronger, to shine your light to others in love and mercy.

I worship you because my soul desires to and I cannot imagine my future life without this living communion of worship any more, and I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the Paradise Trinity worship prayer remain silent and allow your soul to experience the living flow of the Paradise Trinity Love nectar within you and then start your petition prayer.


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for opening my soul to you from within so that I do really desire to commune with you live and in my own words and thoughts, thank you for my experience to date and for the experience of this very moment in our collective communion with you, even though my brethren are far away, by their physical presence, they are even thousands of miles away, but we are all interrelated in this spiritual communion through your real presence within each of us by your spirit – Thought Adjuster.

This time we are praying for our wiser solutions of our different political, economic and social situations once we have to make our vital decisions in any country and on any level – be it on the governmental, presidential, or parliamentary level or on the level of a national or transnational corporation, WHETHER THEY ARE MADE IN THE SPHERE OF SPIRALING UP THE ARMS RACE, OR IN BREAKING OUT OR UP ANY MILITARY CONFLICTS, OR IN CAUSING DIFFERENT INDUSTRIAL AND ECOLOCICAL ACCIDENTS DUE TO THE GREEDENESS OF MAN’S ANIMAL SELF, OR IN OUR DESIRE TO STOP THE ARMS RACE AND ALL NATIONAL COFLICTS OR TO LIQUIDATE THE DIERE CONSECUENCES OF ANY CATASTROPHE – LIKE THE CURRENT OIL SPILL IN THE MEXICAN GULFT –  for all these decisions directly effect our life on this planet, impact the life of each of us THREFORE WE PRAY THAT WE WOULD MAKE ALL THESE DECISIONS OF OURS BASED ON YOUR LEADING FROM WITHIN. Our planet is a living organism, it is not an isolated piece in space; neither people’s ideas and aspirations are isolated, they ARE ALL INTERRELATED through the energy vibrations being emitted by each consciousness, sub-consciousness, and even super-consciousness, the latter being the channel of our direct communion with YOU in our SINCERE PRAYERS WHEN WE SUBMERGE IN THESE PRAYER VIBRATIONS SO DEEP THAT NOTHING ELSE – APART FROM OUR LIVING COMMUNION WITH YOU – EXISTS FOR US.

Therefore we are praying now that our top frequency living energy vibrations would reach the super-consciousness of our brethren who govern states and who lead corporations so that they would begin doing it in WISDOM which you are POURING OUT CEASELESSLY for you are the only unfathomable Source of Wisdom for the whole of creation – and FOR EACH OF US.

We are praying now that your divine wisdom would reach the minds of all presidents and ministers, of all businessmen and bankers so that they would start raising the questions in their minds as to what is their role in this life and what is the true meaning and purpose of their institutions so that they would come to understanding that they HAVE TO SERVE ALL THEIR BRETHREN RATHER THAN THEIR INSTITUTIONS. And that means that they must discover you within themselves and begin to feel your leading from within for it is only then that they would manage to lead their respective states and the world politics and economy away from an impending EVEN MORE dramatic crisis.

I am praying, together with my brethren, that our real love vibrations would reach our brethren who currently are spiritually blind and materially selfish which is against your will since you desire that all your children would use your spiritual insight and ground their all activity in your wisdom received from you by their opened-to-you souls, and would do it with love and care and of their own free will bestowed by you.

My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer sit for a while in silence and let your soul listen to the teaching of the Father on how you might help others, and yourselves, receive wisdom from the Father-Paradise Trinity.

Peace upon you.

With brotherly love,


My dears, I call on you for our collective MONDAY communion (MAY 3, 2010, at 7p.m. GMT) with the Paradise Trinity and among us, so that we would build up our greater trust in this live relationship.

At first let us worship the Paradise trinity. Those who do not dare to worship and pray in their own words or thoughts may read my prayers written specially for you.  But read them SINCERELY rather than mechanically.


My beloved father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, I worship you for my soul’s sincere opening to you and feeling ever growing desire for this live communion with you.

I worship you for my soul’s growing sense for beauty, goodness, justice, mercy, and love, and sensation is live it is experienced by my soul once it calms down and keeps communion with you.

I worship you for your evolutionary plan meant for the whole of creation to grow by becoming ever more like you and this image reflecting to others.

I worship you that you are the Source and Center of Love and Light which cannot exist apart from each other therefore my soul desire ever stronger your love and light to pass them to my other brethren.

I worship you for it is due to your leading from within that my soul has been waked to your love and light which the soul feels very sensitively and desires to bathe within love and light ever more.

I worship you out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the Paradise Trinity worship sit on in peace and enjoy the live communion with the Paradise Trinity and with the whole of creation FAMILY, and then get to the petition prayer.    


My beloved Father, Eternal Son-Mother-Brother, Infinite Spirit-Mother-Sister, thank you for opening our souls ever deeper that we desire this living collective communion with you AND AMONG US – INCLUDING SPIRITS AND MIDWAYERS – for we are all your children and who are members of your divine family.  Therefore our souls desire that this divine family would reflect your love and light through the deeds of each of its member, including us, humans.

This time I called on my brethren to pray for those who participate in liquidating the monstrous ecological catastrophe of oil spill in the Mexican Gulf where an oil platform had blasted and oil streamed ceaselessly out of oil drill in the ocean underwater. No one knows how to stop this 5,000 barrel a day continuously bleeding ocean oil wound to bandage so that all human efforts seem to be leading to no positive results so far and many fishermen and crab and shrimp catchers shall go bankrupt due to every day expanding ocean pollution which is already threatening the states of Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi of the USA, for the oil slick has already exceeded 1,000 kilometers in circumference since the day of the explosion of the oil rig on April 20th.

We pray that the people who do their best to liquidated the accident would feel enlightenment from you to know the solution in this  critical situation to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people living and working in this part of the globe, even though the consequences of this accident shall be experienced by all humanity, and by the whole of global ecosystem.

We pray that our love vibrations should also knock on the doors of the hearts of those might and wealthy brethren who are planning to drill new oil sites in the ocean to generate even greater profits to meet their selfish and greedy selves so that they would stop thinking about their material riches being used only for a handful of people, at the cost of billions of their brethren.

We pray that our love vibrations would make their our contribution to your evolutionary plan on our planet, Urantia, even as you have designed it.

I pray out of love and of my own free will bestowed by you. My will is that your will be done. Amen.


After the prayer sit in peace for a longer while and listen to the teaching of the Father-Paradise Trinity passed over to your soul.

Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,
