17. The Creating


The first creative process of The First Source and Center marked the creation of both matter and spirit. Matter, per se, created, out of energy, by The First Source and Center himself was also eternal, even as the spirit. The First Source and Center creating is the energy, created out of himself and emanated out of himself, transformation and changing into such a mode that would give the beginning of beginnings for the development of the creation in space and time. The matter directly created by The First Source and Center was nothing else but His own dwelling abode and the model of all the creation matter according to which are fashioned the other lower material segments of the creation. And this model of the material creation is the very same Paradise I have mentioned before. It is Paradise that is the accumulation of all energy of the creation for it is namely in Paradise that The First Source and Center keeps all His energy. And the moment The First Source and Center was creating the material model of all the creation, Paradise, at that moment He also created equal to himself the eternal and infinite spirit, The Second Source and Center. But He did not abrupt His creative action by this for the two of them created the third personality equal to them, The Third Source and Center. Thus now the creative potential of The First Source and Center has been made actual, that is, has been made manifest in reality, has become really implemented.

The First Source and Center, had He stayed alone for all the time, His potential would have never been implemented in acting. Then, the creation would have never had its beginning and manifestation as the reflection of the love and goodness of The First Source and Center for all the creatures created within it. Then, there would have existed only The First Source and Center exclusively with His own potential but unused opportunities. However, it has never been possible for The First Source and Center to remain alone since His creative potential, omnipotent potential, produces such an enormous pressure of love within himself that it is necessary to equalize this pressure by emanating it out to space in creating the creation with all its life. However, as long as there exists only The First Source and Center no cosmic space has yet been emanated out of Him and so far there are no any parts of the creation in space yet. And the very first creative act by The First Source and Center that I have already mentioned before cannot produce anything less than who is equally eternal and infinite as He himself. And when the two eternal and infinite beings create together the fruit created by them cannot be less than eternity and infinity, therefore The Third Source and Center is also their co-ordinate even as co-ordinate are The First Source and Center and The Second Source and Center. They both create The Third Source and Center who is equally eternal and infinite, as the two of them. With the creation of The Third Source and Center the operation of eternity and infinity acquires a mutual interpersonal relationship of eternity and infinity.

The First Source and Center, by creating the first absolute spiritual personality, The Second Source and Center, becomes the Original Father to this absolute personality created by Him. And the latter becomes the Eternal Son originated from the Original Father. This way begins the Fatherhood of God.

The First Source and Center by this creative act has limited His personality for He has created one more co-ordinate personality – the Eternal Son. He has just created him and created him being influenced by an enormous love energy pressure within himself. He could not equalize the pressure in any other way but by directing it to a creative act.

The First Source and Center has reproduced himself as an absolute personality with all His qualities in the absolute personality of the Eternal Son because The First Source and Center is also the Source of the Absolute Personality therefore He cannot create anyone less than the absolute spiritual personality – the Eternal Son. The First Source and Center cannot experience the eternal Fatherhood without the creation of the Eternal Son.

The First Source and Center is the Universal Father, to all the creation. And He is the Thought. The Second Source and Center is the Universal Mother. And He is the Word. They both, by creating their co-ordinate The Third Source and Center, create the Source of Action who is also called as the Infinite Spirit. The Third Source and Center is Action. He is the Conjoint Actor. He is that third segment required at the minimum to experience the brotherhood. The Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit both of them being created also experience a mutual brotherhood. Meanwhile the Eternal Son, in addition, undergoes the motherhood experience for he has created The Third Source and Center together with the Universal Father. 
