45. Take Me off the Cross and Worship the Father


Therefore I am presenting to you these explanations to assist you in taking a deeper look upon your environment, upon the creation, and upon my person as well as upon the place of your own selves. Without these explanations of mine you would carry on along the line of living that is painful and tormenting your soul from within. I have told you, and now repeat it again: “I am that path.“ But instead of walking on my path you still elevate my death on the cross. I do desire to deliver your own selves from death so that you would be bravely, without the slightest shade of fear, treading along my living path together with me who has resurrected and is alive. 

I do desire that the Father‘s love and peace would reign instead of the vision of my death. You must create around yourselves a living in love, rather than in pain and anguish. 

Can you explain to your little children about the Father‘s love, and experience it by yourselves, when you are demonstrating me who is suffering on the cross. Then a feeling of fear is creeping into the little heart of the little one. A little child does not see love where somebody is suffering and shedding one‘s blood. The child notices love only where there is a hug by one‘s mother or father out of a pure feeling and tenderness, where there is an encouraging word and support.

Can a little dear one, seeing me on the cross, bleeding and exhausted, sense within his or her little heart that the Father loves me and gives me a hug, warms me up and comforts me, helps me and strengthens me?

How many questions pop up in the head of that little one when you are explaining to him about me that I have died for the sins of the people to save even sinful children as well since they are born already with a sin. Can such a little dear one understand where he has committed a sin that I had to die even for him? Where was my loving Father that He allowed me to suffer so much?

It is truly so that my hanging on the cross produces fear within the little one. And already since the early and first days he is tending to hide from such a God so that he would not have to suffer the way I did. The child begins to fear God ever more.

To humanity, and to my all universe, I have brought the concept of a loving Father. Not the concept of an intimidating and chastising Father. Only you have failed to understand me and you have distorted all my teaching by turning me into the symbol of suffering to all humanity. I did not teach you that. Even in the so-called holy scripture would you find at least one hint about putting me in public places hanging on the cross and showing me suffering. Did I teach you that? No, I did not teach you that.

Then why do you do what I have not thought you to do?

Did I teach you that God is the Father and one to all, and all the people are brethren? Yes, I did. But you have distorted my teaching and you glorify me instead of the Father. 

I did not teach you to glorify and worship me. Then why do you always glorify me, and not the Father? I worship the Father even now.

And now I am addressing you that you would start glorifying the Father, and only Him. He is the only God the Father. And it is He who is glorified by all the creation, by me as well. I am not God the Father. God the Father and I are one in spirit. And despite this spiritual unity of ours we are two separate persons.

The time shall come when after your resurrection you shall become a manifestation of the much higher spiritual vibrations of yours, or a soul form, possessing your present self that is eternal since it has been bestowed to you by the Father, you shall stand in my presence after having covered all the stage of your soul development and having become an eternal spirit with a still higher manifestation of your spiritual vibration, or in the form of a spirit, then we bid farewell and you shall proceed further on out of our universe and closer to the Father until you find yourselves in the presence of the Father himself in the very eternal center, on Paradise. And even then you shall glorify the Father. And throughout eternity you shall glorify only Him; the only person.  

Thus, even now I am explaining to you that you would hear my good tidings pronounced two thousand years ago, my gospel to your all world, and to my all universe – the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man – and now by my present-day disciples and apostles expanded up to the brotherhood of all the creation. And having heard it that you would begin to follow it and live every day ever deeper comprehending that we all are brothers and sisters; all of us. The Father of us all is one. He is the Universal Father, The First Source and Center. Therefore, I am also your senior brother. I am teaching you and helping you proceed on to our Father. Thus, the time has arrived to tell you frankly that I do desire that all of you would experience the depth of my words together with the Father, being sensed within your own selves. I am together with you. With all of you thru my Spirit of Truth poured out upon you. But the Father is always within you, each of you; and all the time. And He is inside you for He has sent you, each of you, His spirit, Thought Adjuster. And it is His spirit that is leading you all the time unwittingly from within. And I am always knocking from without. I am knocking and I will enter the heart of each of you whoever opens it. And then we, together with the Father, begin to influence you from within. And our joint operation has one more helper – the Holy Spirit. I have already explained to you that this spirit is the spirit of my Partner – Mother Spirit of the Universe. And we, in harmony, even in a perfect concord, are leading you all, but each one individually, to the Father. We are leading you along one and the only path – the path of inner faith. It is only the faith that is the way to the Father. And it is leading thru me. In no way you shall ever escape my path until you stand in my presence having become an eternal spirit. Even though there are numberless roads of experiences leading to the Father the main and the only path that saves everyone is a living faith. Not a ritualistic belief but the living faith.                

