108. The Establishment of a Living Relationship with the Father


I have already mentioned to you about that path how to set up a sincere and live relationship with the Father. Now I shall repeat it once more for it is the most crucial thing in man‘s life – to establish a living communion with the Father.  

If two thousand years ago, when I was among you and as one of you, I had not communed with the Father I would not have been able to take in from Him wisdom, peace, patience, resolution, courage, and most of all, love, and by no means I would have been able to carry out my mission to the very end. It is only a live relationship with the Father that was upholding me as a mortal during all my life in the human flesh when I started feeling ever deeper that the Father was that strongest rock onto which I could stand at peace while even finding myself in the very whirlpool of the biggest storm.

And this very live relationship, provided by the Father, today is within reach for each of you. Do not push it away, do not ignore it, do not be afraid of it, use it since it has been designed by the Father himself for the benefit of all of you.  

It is of no significance the place you might be in, what time of the day or night it might be for this bond is always and everywhere accessible to you, each of you. It just opens up to you when you, having forgotten everything in the world, sincerely begin to talk with the Father even as with the best and most trustworthy friend. You relate your difficulties, pains, and hardships to Him, you share your joys and pleasant experiences with Him, you talk with Him out of the depth of your heart since to talk this way can only a soul that is opened up to Him. And to make your opening up easier, so that your mind would calm down, prior to it, speak out the following in your own words: “Father, I have read the teachings of Jesus, he was speaking about this possible communion with you, I glorify you as the most marvelous Father who is descending down to the very least one to be communed with. I desire to associate with you, therefore I do desire to tell you everything that, today, worries and gladdens me, what troubles me and causes my pain, what confuses and misleads me, what helps me and provides joy to me. Father, it is only you who can understand me as no one else for Jesus was explaining in his teachings that you are also within my own self. Therefore you can understand me that well as nobody else for no one can get within me.“      

And relate Him all about yourself, about your life. And this narrative is necessary to you. The Father knows you from within even better than you know yourself. This narration is necessary to you so that by revealing your soul you would calm down your mind for it is only a peaceful mind that can hear what the Father is saying, what I say. 

And once you relate about yourself, from the very depth of the soul, so that even tears might wet your eyes, do not be ashamed of them, these are the tears of sincerity, these are the tears of a pure soul already capable of making its own attitudes, then wait in silence and peace. Do not worry over anything. If you do not hear the Father‘s voice do not get embarrassed. The vibrations of the Father‘s voice are of a very high frequency while your soul has not yet had a chance to act to be able to feel by itself these high frequency vibrations. It has always been suppressed by the low vibrations of your human animal ego that have kept you all the time in the captivity of the material thinking only. Therefore, your soul might need a considerable period of time for such sincere conversations with the Father and for such silent and peaceful sessions of listening to be able to get accustomed to ever more spiritual moments of such an opening up and at the same time to reach a higher level of the Father‘s vibrations so that it would also hear the messages of the Father meant personally to this soul.       

It is only sincere and steadfast efforts that bring success and the soul receives a blissful reward – hears the Father speak out to it. It is the moment when the soul in no way shall stay passive any more as it has before. It shall start manifesting its ever becoming stronger voice and attitudes in relation to the human selfish mind that such a time shall arrive when the human mind gives in to a superior and purer thinking of the soul mind, that is always leaning upon the leading of the Father from within, and a deeper wisdom, reaching the soul also from the Father, thru His spirit, Thought Adjuster.

It is merely this relationship, a living relationship with the Father that shall change the man that much that he shall not be feeling a lack of self-confidence. He shall be feeling the reality of the Father, or of mine, depending upon whom he shall be communing with, and even he shall begin to spread a bigger light to his other brethren since he shall be receiving such teachings that no one else has ever read and heard of up to then in understandable and simple words for this son or daughter of the Father shall share not only the very teaching but also his or her experiences rather than rendering quotations from the teachings read, or heard from others.    

Such a sharing of one‘s experience is much more effective than a dry recounting of the other teachings either read or heard. In sharing one‘s own experience the soul of the one who is sharing it is also participating, and it is this soul that has experienced all this that the man is relating at that moment to others. And at certain moments, while the process of sharing this experience is underway, the soul is sending its higher vibrations to the human material mind so that the man for a moment again experiences these very similar sensations that he has been feeling, only much stronger, while communing with the Father. And a sincere listener or even several of them, are reacting in a more receptive way to the rendering of this experience as against the presentation of any, even similar, information without the experience itself.   

Therefore experience is valued more than merely a theoretical speculation even though a very wise one. Experience provides growth to the one who is experiencing, and while sharing it with others the higher energy vibrations of one‘s soul are also passed to those who are listening because the soul itself is sending its direct and higher vibrations, and not only the human consciousness, the vibrations of which are much lower.  

A live communion with the Father, or with me, is not only your personal development but it is also a spiritual development of all the community. Two thousand years ago my brethren did not yet enjoy these possibilities because of the Lucifer rebellion these equal possibilities in particular had been violated. And I had to expand the content of my mission with one more task – to terminate the Lucifer rebellion in the Satania system of my universe. And I did carry it out in full, on the mount of Hermon, having withstood the temptation of Satan. And, by this, the broken equal possibilities of communing with the Father were restored again when I ascended to the Father, and when we sent our spirits: the Father sent Thought Adjusters within each child of a normal mind, and I poured out my Spirit of Truth upon all the flesh, and it also enters within once the man sincerely asks for it.   

Now all of you have marvelous possibilities to make use of the assistance provided by these helpers, even as of the assistance of the Holy Spirit that has never been cut off, even under the conditions of the rebellion isolation. And if only you realized how much you, each, can contribute to the development of all humanity, to its spiritual build-up, if only you realized how little you make use of the means available to you then you would well understand as to why there is such a deplorable situation on your planet, why you, up to date, have so much suffering and pain in your inner life and even within your physical body that is being tormented by different physical diseases.   

And it is suffice only one, qualitatively enormous, step on your part, to have faith and set up a living relationship with the Father, and the troubles and pains of humanity shall flow away like clouds in the sky, when man does not even notice as who has blown them without efforts somewhere far away.

And once you have faith and a bond with the Father, all the tormenting hardships, without making any efforts to overcome these very hardships, shall all be carried away no one knows where. They shall not remain.

Today you cannot believe it. But I know much more than you can even imagine that such things might be known altogether because you do not know anything even about the very existence of these things. Therefore, if you lean upon my teaching and make an attempt to use it by practically applying it in your every day personal life you shall experience by yourselves, each of you, the righteousness of my words. 

However, whether or not you shall apply this teaching in your life, the decision lies on you, each, personally. Even though you gathered together into a group of the similar-minded and made a common decision to make use of these teachings the decision would all the same be made personally rather than by the group. There is no stronger influence, even within the most united group, than the Father‘s influence within each of you. Therefore, sooner or later, each of you shall have to make such a decision. A united group can shorten the path of a personal choice or make it easier yet even the most spiritual collective cannot make a personal decision for that very member of the collective. A free will can operate provided that it is personal but not collective. A collective will is when a decision is made by the majority, and the minority has to obey the decision made by the majority. However, in the relationship with the Father, upon the path of one‘s spiritual growth, everything is determined by a free will decision.

