115. The Sprout of the Mortal Soul Is Within You


I am well aware of your foibles and desires. Therefore I do not blame anyone of you that the attitudes and decisions of your inner self are being so strongly controlled by them. You do not even ponder over your own foibles. You are leading your life as if these weaknesses were part and parcel of you, and due to this you ignore them, you do not make any attempt to deliver yourselves from them or at least to reduce them. At the present time your soul is in such a state that it is impossible to call it even as sprouted if I compared this state with a plant.

It shall sprout when you, at least during short moments, begin to ponder over what impedes you to become a better self. And if you start thinking about it more often, the offshoot of your soul shall also begin to break the character shell of your human and animal self. It is this shell that impedes your soul to sprout. And you erroneously consider that all your present qualities are inherited and therefore unchangeable; the more so that your scientists are also pressing this attitude upon you still deeper.     

However, the time has arrived for you to learn more than it is known even to your geneticists, psychologists, psychiatrists, anthropologists – the sprout of a pure soul of a mortal can sprout and break even the strongest and darkest shell. And it is capable of doing it merely because of the fact that it is the original impulse of your spiritual rather than material self within this material shell of your physical body the beginning of which has been provided by a genetic inheritance. And a bigger momentum, or a stronger growth incitement, to this initial impulse of your spiritual self can also be given by your present animal self if only it begins to ponder more over love, goodness, beauty, service, mercy, and brotherhood. If it starts cleaning its thick and hard cortex of the genetic inheritance while all the time making it softer with good thoughts. That will remind you of cleaning a dirty window that your eyes would see a nice picture of the environment thru a well cleaned window. However, even thru a well cleaned window your eyes see a nice view of the ambience thru a wall of glass. It is still separating you from that very view. You are not yet within that view. Therefore, your feeling of the sight is not yet that deep and all-embracing as it would be if you opened the window and got out into the ambience of that very view.           

Today the absolute majority of you is satisfied with your current status in the spiritual sphere so that you do not even attempt to clean your window at all. You do not even think that it must be cleaned in some way as you have not been, neither are, taught this. And it is only very few of you who hear that knocking of the Father‘s spirit from within and submit yourselves to doing His will. And very soon you begin to single out this person and even to call him with a certain derision as a saint. And he is no a saint at all. He has just become a true and normal man. And it is this sort of man that you, each, must also become.     

And you shall see, then, that you have really become a true man rather than a saint. This type of living without vices and diseases that are currently tormenting you is a real life and a true light. Therefore, by no means, would you be able, at least, to think that you might turn back to stepping into your former manner of living when you have not thought about the necessity of wiping the glass of your spiritual window so that the eyes of your soul could see a true vision without being distorted by any vices. However, you would also know for certain that merely to marvel at a nice view thru a well wiped window is not suffice for your soul for it does desire to feel the reality of this very sight by being present within the environment of this very view rather than thru a layer of glass. And then it would fly out thru an opened window to do good deeds to all who are within this sight or who are also merely looking at this view thru the window of their soul that they have started cleaning, while some of them, like you are at the moment, do not yet think that there is such a window that must be cleaned of the mud of your vices.         

Your current vices, after some time, shall remind you of exactly similar whims of a child as he demonstrates them when his parents do not satisfy some desire of his. Wise parents find a clue to the heart of their little one, unwise parents get irritated themselves, even get angry, because of the whims demonstrated by the little one. And they begin to punish him, they begin to toady to him but they do not try to find a path to his little heart. But as in the case of the little one, so is in yours, if no solution is looked for as to how such whims be melted by a sincere love and in a live association with the child rather than seeking to buy oneself out of all the whims or trying to drill and punish the child it is possible very easily to damage all the life of the child. However, these whims, these caprices of the child do not seem to the parents to be serious. Therefore they remain as childish all the time.     

Exactly the same is with your current vices, such as fear, anger, hatred, revenge, jealousy, a desire to meet all the interests of your animal self at the cost of others, and the like that are nothing else but these same childish whims. Your soul has not yet sprouted thru the thick layer of these vices therefore they torment those around you like little children torment their unwise parents with their own whims.

Soul, by itself, cannot bloom out with all its luminosity, during one moment. In a similar way as a child cannot give up all his whims right away. It is a long process requiring one‘s efforts. And to some it is not only painful but even tragic. Therefore, you must realize that you must start cleaning the windows of your soul already now for this shall contribute to the fact as to how soon your children will be able to give up their whims, and painlessly.    

By cleaning the windows of your souls off the vice mud you can contribute to wisely directing the whims of all the children of humanity towards building up their strong character without the touches of selfishness. The cleaner you wipe the windows of your souls the brighter the reflection of the view will be getting in and inviting you to open up the window itself so that the soul itself would be able to escape from within out into a vast space where it can manifest itself by its own shining. And that shining shall attract the eyes of others looking out thru their own windows that are being cleaned by their souls. And such a soul shall never make an attempt at suppressing the whims of a little child by force or toadying. It shall always be looking for a path to the child‘s heart so that it would be able to teach that very child since the very young days to clean the window of his soul so that it would not turn that dirty at all.        

And even though the current and childish vices of your character are not well noticed by you since you do not see such examples who would demonstrate, by their every day living, a bright shining without these vices, therefore you do not even make any attempts at fighting them, yet they can cause you many serious problems if you do tolerate and continue to toady them the way you do it now. I see much deeper than you do and further than you could imagine. I am aware of the very roots of the origin of your vices. I do know what is that might lead you, each, to for I am where there are no such vices, and I know the cost of getting there. Therefore, I am giving you this teaching that you would know it as well. 
