129. My Address to the Clergymen


Therefore, now I am making my address to those who lead the prayer service and whom you call as priests, pastors, imams, or rabbis. Open up to the Father with your soul to start sensing His love vibrations, and then you shall begin to feel how the Father‘s spirit, indwelling you, even as any other one, starts directing you to the spring of a living Father‘s water within you, to your awakening soul. And do not halter it. Let it stretch out for a free and mighty leap that shall wake up the souls of your parishioners. You shall be able to make your own contribution to their awakening only when you deliver your own souls from the slavery of rituals. This liberation of your souls is being awaited by the millions of your brethren; including me. And the Father is waiting for it too.    

Have not I told my apostles, before ascending to the Father on high, that they should not fear as to what they shall have to speak before their judges once they are brought up to them, for it shall be the Father‘s spirit that shall be speaking then? Now I am also telling you: Do not fear to open up to the Father, let His spirit speak out thru your lips stimulated by your soul. Open up to the Father with all your soul and worship the Father the way your opened up soul desires to. And it shall itself utter the words of the worship and prayer. Do not worry that these words shall not match the words written in the books of prayers. Your opened up soul shall be receiving the vibrations of the Father‘s love and shall translate them into the prayer words being heard by others. And all the opened up souls shall at once start sensing the love vibrations of these pure and loudly pronounced words. And they shall react so obviously that many a soul shall start weeping. They shall begin to weep with the tears of the soul purification. And such tears shall wet not only the eyes of women but also of men. And even of children.         

Only do not fear to open up by yourselves, and having opened up yourselves and having felt the Father within do not fear to let your soul speak so that it would worship the Father and pray so freely and sincerely the way it is possible to worship the Father and pray freely and sincerely only. Without any rituals, without any rite attire embroidered in gilt, without any dogmas. Only with an opened up soul that shall be pouring out its live prayers to all those assembled.

And they shall be glad that their souls are opening up and being filled up with the Father‘s love and peace ever more. And during the worship prayer of the Father they are beginning to feel the state of bliss beyond words that they would desire to stay in after the prayer as well. Therefore, do not hasten back again to reading or to a sermon. Stay in this state of a bliss for some time. It is being in this state that your soul can best take in the word of the Father being said to each of you personally. And namely such a word that is necessary to you at that moment in particular. And it is of no significance that you will not hear the Father‘s words right away after the prayer, maybe you will understand it on the way home or already back at home. But you are certainly to receive a strengthening and counseling from the Father.   

And do not fear when due to breaking these dead rituals of the prayer service you shall be blamed by your hierarchy. I was also blamed and cursed, I was even called as being possessed by the devil and serving him. You shall have experienced the opening up of your soul and a relationship with the Father, a living relationship, and you shall know that it is now, only now, that you have embarked upon the Father‘s path, that I have walked on as well. And you shall already see that this path is live, without rites, for you shall have already experienced the power of the prayer while being in a living relationship with the Father that is lacking any ritualistic prayer.    

And you shall be strengthened even more by the evidence of your brethren when after your service they will come up to you and thank you for such magnificent experiences and peace. The believers shall be thanking you that you have awakened their souls for a live relationship with the Father. And do not fear anything when you are condemned and despised by others, and even accused by them of destroying the church while it is namely you who are trying already the ruined and merely ritualistic church to revive to a new life. Do not fear these accusation for I have also been accused of ruining the belief of the ancestors, the doors of the synagogues have been shut down to me, I have been persecuted, and I have been even crucified merely because I have carried the word of the Father‘s love. Therefore, do not fear anything for the Father and I shall always help you in all your work of love and light. Even when having conspired against you they shall turned you out of the church do not fear them, neither the consequences. I shall fetch you those souls who are worried and thirsty for love and truth to be comforted and taught a living relationship with the Father without any mediator. To be taught the only true path of the communion with the Father – thru their sincere opening up to Him. And you shall find the key to their souls and strengthen them, even as I have strengthened them. But to do it, to be able to walk on the Father‘s path, even as I have walked on it, at first it is you who have to open up to the Father. And after that you must make a decision whether you desire to help your other brethren, even as I have desired to help them..         

The path is the Father‘s. He has laid it to each of you. I was walking on it bravely and trusting the Father all the time. You may also walk on it. You must make a decision each one of you personally and freely. I am inviting you to this path. This is a live path. And to walk on it is a real challenge to the character of your true divine self. However, keep in mind once you make the choice to follow this path I shall always go ahead of you, and the Father shall always go within you. You shall never be left alone. Not for a moment. And your seraphim angels shall provide you a permanent assistance for such is the ordain of my Partner, Co-Creator and Co-Ruler of the Universe, to her angelic children – to lead the mortal children of the Father over to Him by assisting them from without even as the Father, as I, and as the Holy Spirit can provide you assistance from within. Therefore, your each living step with the Father is met with a joyful upholding, understanding, and support on the part of all of us. Progress on bravely and without fear leaning upon the Father being present within you thru His spirit.           

There is not a single organism throughout the creation that would not obey the law of the Father‘s love. Even the smallest organism that is invisible to your eyes, is also operating within the field of the law of the Father‘s love. It is its activity that is being shaped by the vibrations of the higher organism that either allow, or on the contrary, does not allow the lower organisms to operate. But in either case the operation of all of them is within the field of the Father‘s love that is being dominated by the only law of the Father‘s love. And you are the only inhabitants of the planet in the flesh possessing a free will of choice on how to relate yourselves with all the ambience: To strengthen and care for it or to ruin and annihilate it. However, behaving either way you all the same are unable to escape the manifestation of the field of the Father‘s love. You cannot operate beyond the boundaries of the Father‘s creation. That cannot be done by any living organism. Therefore, your activity within the creation can also be only either matched by your free will with the operation of the law of the Father‘s love or it can resist it. However, to impact the law operation itself it has not the slightest power. You can impact only the operation of others within this same field of the manifestation of the Father‘s love. Therefore, your choice can only have influence on the decision making by others of their own free will.    
