131. The Mode of Living and the Diet


When you are deviated from the path of the Father‘s love that much that while showing a desire to walk on it again you shall have to make changes in all the spheres of your living starting with your personal faith and ending with politics, economy, education, family, and mutual relationships. And to many of you these changes will be really shocking. However, it is only these changes that can save you from perish that is impending over you due to your unwise actions and living against the will of the Father.

My teaching is meant for those who desire to seek changes for the benefit of the creation of the Father, for the benefit of humanity, for the benefit of the whole, and at the same time for one‘s own benefit, rather than for the selfish purposes. Therefore, I am pointing them the direction they must follow. Up to date they did not know which direction to go to, therefore they had walked the way they had been led by their most active, and at the same time most selfish brethren. However, this direction is destructive. And it is being felt by many. They just cannot understand as to what must be changed so that all the system would start to live in a different manner. Therefore, my teaching is meant namely for those who desire to learn what must be changed and how this must be done.   

But I cannot make this change instead of you. It is you who are those omnipotent in this field and capable of doing it. You are the only ones of the type. Even the Father cannot do it instead of you. 

The time has arrived for very serious decisions. Already now the direction of the development of all humanity depends upon whether you agree to make a free decision, and as soon as possible. Whether you will continue to float as an inert mass that does not have any desire to change anything because it also sees only a similar sluggish mass around all this already depends upon your, each, personal and independent decision and upon the implementation of this decision. Even though the decision is made by only one person this decision shall have impact on all; on all humanity. Therefore, do not think that you are as such who cannot change anything. You can. Only turn to the Father within each of you and your life shall be transformed from suffering and pain to a bliss and peace. And it is then that you shall experience by yourselves you have become the mighty children of the Father who can overthrow mountains together with the Father.

And then your hand shall not rise to harm your brethren by killing them with chemicals as you spray them onto the soil or give them to the animal so that subsequently they would be eaten by your brethren while eating bread or meat, vegetables or fish. However, it is even a more awful thing is that by contaminating plants and animals this way you are also contaminating yourselves. You are doing all this out of your covetousness. Therefore, the vibrations of your soul, being higher and shorter, cannot break thru the low and long vibrations being radiated by your selfish and animal self. It means that you are going to your animals or into your field rather than out of love just out of selfishness and while surveying the growing crops you see the growing money, and even you look upon the animals without love but with a tinge of benefit to yourselves only. And the animal, even as the plant, does not receive from you the true vibrations of love that the soul desires to radiate while receiving them from the Father. And by contaminating both the fields and animals with chemicals you do not receive form them the reflection of the natural vibrations of the Father‘s love either once you walk in the fields or to the herds of your animals. You are walking thru them and these vibrations are being emitted in a distorted way. And it is you who have distorted them, and it is not the fields, nor the animals that have made them as such but you. It resembles a glass covered with the dust once you cannot see a clear view any more. In addition to this you wear on glasses that have not been cleaned well either. Thus the sight is even less clear. And the only way to see this unclear vision to be clean is to take off the glasses and open up the unclean glass altogether so that you could begin to feel a pure and living relationship with the ambience without any artificial dash.

And to achieve this it is necessary to have a live relationship with the Father. It is only thanks to Him, thanks to His love vibrations being experienced by you that you shall cure yourselves of the disease of covetousness. And you shall clean yourselves of the inner pollutants to be able to look with your opened up soul at your wonderful fields and nice herds that shall gladden your soul that all this is being raised with the Father‘s love, and being grown out of love for your brethren. And once you begin to feel this soul quiver it is hardly possible that your hand will be raised to take away life from these animals that shall have been cared for with such a love; and with love not only for the animals but also for the whole environment. And the environment shall pay you back with these same vibrations of the Father‘s love as it can pay back so naturally, without any artificiality.

And you will not raise the herds to butcher them but rather to keep them to gladden both you and those who would visit you because they will grow healthy and strong. And only the old herds and that will die naturally will be used for food for those of your brethren who will have not yet given up meat. And the meat of these animals raised in love shall be tastier and softer than the meat of the youngest calves and lambs consumed by you now. However, with time the number of such people who still shall be using meat or fish shall ever go down. And the need to keep herds or other animals for food shall disappear. Then they shall be kept for using them on the farm and to sustain the beauty of the nature to gladden one‘s soul.   
