102. The Bird of the Soul Is in the Present Captivity in the Cage


My teachings should not scare anyone of you for they are meant for you to discover the true peace within you. They shall scare only those who desire to devote themselves to the satisfaction of the interests of their own selfish selves at the cost of the others, even at my cost, as your religious leaders under the cover of my name, even calling the religion established by them after my name are trying to control you and manipulate your feelings. They are keeping you locked up a cage like the most marvelous bird that desires freedom so much, that desires to feel the motion of a real flight that it has been created for in particular, and to experience all the pleasure of flying that fills up the soul with joy and even with an ever deeper fusion with these air currents that raise the bird to this majestic height once it is spreading out its wings and flapping them. It is the air currents of the flight that is a splendid love of the Father that is being experienced once a mortal discovers Him within his own self and has faith in Him with all his soul-heart.    

It is then that all the limitations of the cage vanish. It is then that the soul can spread out its wings and rise in these air currents to such a height that it can see from without what a wonderful creation is and even to experience a bliss within, to experience what is the Father‘s love that it has heard of so much before once it still has been in the cage and in captivity.

The cage of the soul is nothing else but the dead mores and rituals that endlessly entangle the wings of the soul and it cannot rise and even is afraid of listening to the stories by other souls about their flights. And your current religious leaders are in no way different from the rabbis-Pharisees of my times when they have also been afraid of my words and have not allowed ordinary souls, thirsty for a free flight, to listen to them. Once they began to ever more realize that my teaching started attracting a bigger number of sincere and common people they resorted to such actions that closed all the synagogues to me. I could not preach even the word of God in the Father‘s home. And that was done by those who looked upon themselves as the servants of God. Not by those whom they considered to be ignorant about the Jewish God – Jahve – but by those who called themselves scribes and well versed in the scriptures, by those who were teaching the Jews the word of God and who were demanding from them that they would follow this word, by those who had to see further and broader than the ones whom they were teaching. It was they who closed my way to synagogues, to the Father‘s home.     

It is exactly in a similar manner your present-day Pharisees – priests and theologians – act. They keep you in the captivity of the dead scriptures and do not allow anyone of you to get liberated into a free flight of your soul so that you would be able to expand and supplement, by your own experiences and by your understanding of the Father and me, all the writings you call as the scriptures. Even the writings, you call as the scriptures, you cannot keep incarcerated in one single moment. They must be free from the dogmatic interpretations and teachings of your dogmatic Pharisees – your priests and theologians. And all the Father‘s homes must be open to all the religions and not just to one.

Now you shall never come closer to each other if you do not allow into you prayer house of your dead religion the pious believers of another dead religion with their prayers even though they keep the wings of their souls fettered. You must invite each other and share the prayer homes among yourselves. And now you consider them to be suitable to perform only your dead rituals. Others build up the prayer homes of their religions of the dead rituals. And you cannot find a common language among yourselves in any way. And you shall never find it as long as you cannot find the Father within yourselves, as long as you are not linked up by the Father‘s love being really experienced within each of you and spread out to each of you.     

Until the Father‘s love within you is not pulsating you must search for a smaller link, even though a dead link, that might interconnect you. Begin to share the homes for the prayer among yourselves. Start doing it those of you who now have a belief in me and who use my name for your own religion.

Then you shall start to associate among yourselves much more. And the closer the association the better is the knowledge of one another. And the better the knowledge the sooner you shall notice that you are not different at all and even more, you are brothers and sisters in spirit only having different rituals and speaking different languages. 

You do create earthly families among yourselves and do manage, those who are bolder, to surpass even these very dead religious rituals and dead dogmas once your hearts are awakened by the Father‘s love. This is the very same love of the Father only you direct it to one and definite brother or sister in spirit of the opposite sex. It is the true love of the Father, once being experienced, that transforms even such a soul that is usually full of fear into a courageous champion for supplying the meaning to its love in a new and full of love family that is coming into being.

And you also begin to look upon the religious rituals of each other in a more tolerant manner for they are being softened by the Father‘s love pulsating within you. And this love spreads out its wings even more after the birth of a new life in this very family of the two representatives of the different religions. You do not want that the baby would suffer while choosing one religion and rejecting the other. You believe that by doing this the child might offend one of you; and either of the parents desires, with love, to explain to the beloved child his or her best concepts on his or her religion, on God. And the little one gets only richer due to this bigger knowledge. These two religions shall not be that repulsive to him any more the way they would be had he been born in the family of the representatives of one religion.         

And both earthly and loving parents do not demand that their little child would choose either of their religions. It is the Father‘s love that turns them out of such children of God, that represent the irreconcilable and opposing each other religions, into the tolerant ones and even explaining with love to each other and to their baby the concepts of each other‘s religion.

And this is the way of bringing closer each other once you might offer your prayer homes to each other; to share them at least at a different time. But that is certain that very many people would also stay during the prayer service of their brethren braided with different rituals what they do not dare to do at the present time. And that would be done by all the parties. And that would be your better knowledge of their rituals and even of the brethren themselves. And this closer relationship would also expand your outlook. Meanwhile, a common maintenance and care of the prayer homes would allow you to communicate among yourselves not only during the prayer time but also in a much more liberal ambience once you are not restricted by the performance of the ritual as is during the prayer service. But this example of rapprochement would also be shown to the split sects of the other religions. Keep in mind that the other religions also have their own sects, and like yours, they do not associate among themselves either.    

This step is very difficult for your religious chiefs but not for sincere and common believers. The chiefs shall lose the influence they have but they shall become freer and know each other better to be able, also, to learn from each other. It shall become a regular thing to you to invite each other to the services of each other so that you would sincerely share your experiences, hear the sermon not only from your priests but also from your brethren who lead their services in a different manner.
