125. Different Views on Death


There is not a single man who, being turned away from the Father, would not fear death. And on the contrary, there is not a single man who, being turned to the Father, would be scared of death. These are the two antipodes of the way man leaves this world. And by the last body-sigh you can judge whether the man has been with the Father or has been turned away from Him. However much you would desire to deceive others yet it is impossible to deceive the Father for He is beyond deception due to one reason – He is love. And love is beyond destruction, it is possible to despise it, it is possible to turn away from it, it is possible to jeer at it, it is possible to betray it, but it is impossible to destroy it; because it is from the Father who is merciful. And if you turn to Him within your own self, turn to Him with all your entity, with all your soul rather than in words, or in thoughts it is then that you shall start sensing both a relief and a live flowing of the Father‘s love. And it is of no significance if you do it right before the running out of the very last drop of your energy of your present material body all the same you shall feel this relief and speak out: “I am with the Father, and I am feeling His love and peace. I am not scared of dying any more since I am going to the Father.“ And the phenomenon of death shall transpire without a stress but rather in the state of peace for such is the path of the Father‘s love and truth, even at the very last moment of one‘s material body on this world. And many do say at this moment: “I have raced thru my life, worked very hard but I have not yet felt bliss. While it is now that I have felt there is some power that is comforting me, and I am feeling bliss.“    

And my teachings are meant for the purpose that you would also help others leave your world, those who are afraid of leaving it for they have led their lives on it without the Father, as the real orphans. Therefore, help them, during their very last moment while they are here, turn to the Father so that they would eventually begin to feel peace and a bliss from the Father already within them. The Father is always reacting even to the weakest flicker, impulse, of the brain if it is merely a sincere calling for and opening up to Him. He is not imposing anything by force yet no any other force is capable of  preventing Him to provide that very in-depth peace and bliss if there is the slightest vibration of a sincere desire in one‘s brain. Even if man is paralyzed and cannot speak and move, explain even to him that the Father responds not only to a sincere word but also to a sincere thought, a sincere desire while pleading Him for soothing and assistance. And the assistance is arriving instantaneously. There is no obstacle that would block the path for supplying this bliss. And on the contrary, there are no such powerful and strong words of pleading that would make the Father give the dying man this bliss if the dying man himself is waving away this help. A free will, of each individual, is the supreme and inviolate. Therefore, with your prayers you will achieve merely that by praying, in your own and sincere words, or thoughts, you will receive peace within yourselves and all the agony of death shall look to you as nothing more but the manifestation before your eyes of the creation principle – of the cause-action-consequence – where you can change nothing.         

The one who pushes way the Father with one‘s free will dies in agony. And this vision produces consternation on the close relatives of the dying one. However, should you know more about the Father you would relieve this suffering of yours by millions of times for the Father must watch a great multitude of His children dying at a time and who are pushing Him away, turning away from Him while He loves them all in the same manner even as His children who love Him. And these children of His, He knows it well, disappear from the creation. And they are irreplaceable. It means that during all eternity there shall be no such children who have disappeared. There shall be other children of the Father. But they shall be other children and not the ones who have disappeared. And the Father has to endure this pain every single moment and throughout all the creation. Can you realize what an enormous Father‘s pain is that is being experienced ever again and again as soon as the mortal body leaves a material world within which one‘s life has been lived without the Father?  

Your current mortal life being led while being turned away from the Father will be beyond understanding to the future generations. In a similar way as it is beyond your understanding the life of the cave savage men. The fact that you live in a developed material civilization does not make you any more different from the savage people who have lived in the environment of the cave civilization. By the level of your spiritual thinking you are even lagging behind them since the cave people lived in the natural environment of their development while you, each, possess the Father‘s fragment, the Father‘s spirit, within each of you, and still you are staying turned away from the Father. It only shows that your spiritual thinking is even lagging behind that of the cave man. Had the cave man had such a powerful and perfect Monitor he would have responded to the leading of the Father from within much more. And the difference in your favor is only this that your mind, from an objective point of view, has progressed more on the level of thinking than that of the cave man therefore you can receive the fragment of the Father within your mind what the cave man could not yet do. However, relatively, he would have been really more devoted to this spiritual leading that you are denying. Your current denial of the Father is leading you to your perish. And you are realizing it and yet you do refuse to change yourselves; and not simply to change yourselves but to change yourselves for the better, and for your own sake. Thus, what must be an unwise mind that realizes its tragic future and yet it is not striving for its prevention? Could the cave savage man behave like this? By no means. No. By the manner of his thinking he matched his ambience while you are lagging, and by many times at that, behind the environment of your material development, and even behind the circumstances provided to you in a spiritual sphere.                 

Therefore, my teachings also have the purpose once again to attract your attention to and arouse your spiritual thinking. And to remind you, in your age, once again that even many thousand years after the prophets would come to the world and carry my light, even though not that bright, you would kill them and despised them and you would smear and slander their light, and today you are doing exactly the same things. And the words of the present-day prophets you ridicule and the prophets themselves you do reject as insane. Even though they wish you and desire to you only one thing – to open up your spiritual vision so that you would notice your brethren around as well as the reality and impact on you of the words conveyed by them, and that are actually not theirs but the Father‘s and mine.     
