124. The Purpose of My Teachings


My teachings are meant for those of you who sincerely desire to seek for more than they have already achieved. Those who are satisfied with their position, and with the environment, shall not be interested in these teachings of mine and they shall look down upon them as the useless ones and even disturbing their life. However, you must bear in mind that the major part of your, and my, brethren desire these teachings for they are unable to understand by themselves as to why there is a chaos prevailing around, why there is such a situation that love and truth cannot break thru different barriers and obstacles, why so simple and obvious words can make their way into man‘s heart-soul, and life, with such a difficulty. Therefore, these teaching shall be for them as a spring-board before their jump in their daily life.   

But this very same Father‘s love and truth have also been dominating throughout the creation both until now and until the current presentation of these teachings of mine. Yet, you have been having a feeling that you have been missing some sort of the truth presentation to be able to know your whereabouts and to find a more solid path in your life than the one you have been walking on and that has been wearing you out so much and causing you so much anxiety from within and without. It is for those who have been feeling this anxiety, for those who have been asking many questions within their own selves, who have been, sincerely, searching the answers to their questions, who have been trying with all their possible strength to withstand a sucking-in force of evil that my teachings shall be as a source of strength.        

And they are truly meant for strengthening and inciting you, each, so that on your own path you would progress exclusively on the path of the love and truth of the Father however a tempting and rich, from the material and body-comfort vantage-point, another path might be offered to you. My teachings are meant for building up your, each, character so that you could, by yourselves, begin to feel your own positive changing and by this you would feel the victory of your true self over your animal self full of passions and selfish aspirations that make up obstacles and barriers for love and truth. And once many of you, of this sort, gather together it is then that, by all means, you start striving for making the path of spreading love and truth more difficult so that even others could neither see it nor strive for it. It is you who are becoming that force of evil that is impeding your own growth as well as that of others.  

Neither the Father nor I hide love and truth from you, no. It is you who are hiding from it. Therefore, the time has come for me as for a Supreme Sovereign of the Universe, that you are starting you journey to eternity, your path to the Father on Paradise in, to present these teachings of mine. Even though you know me by the name of Jesus Christ I present these teachings already as being not only as the Christ but as one of the Creators and Supreme Rulers of the Universe. I present them as the highest universe power that is the power of the Father‘s love and truth in all the universe.  

Therefore, I am telling you that those of you who shall believe these teachings of mine and start applying them in your daily lives shall have no insurmountable obstacles to become the revealers of love and truth to your other brethren however it might be the unfavorable circumstances for them. You, together with the Father and me, as well as being assisted by your angel guardians, the seraphim, shall manage to overcome all the obstacles so that love and truth would shine around you and that within you they would beam so strongly that you would begin to nourish yourselves with these very living vibrations of love and truth. And all this shall happen for such is the will of the Father, such is my will that you would deliver yourselves from the slavery of lies and fear, that you would become the free children of the Father.    

It is for this purpose that my teachings are meant. To deliver you from the fetters invented by you that strangle and rub your hands, legs, and neck to blood. Meanwhile, you must feel bliss and experience no abrading, no pain. And it is namely to feel a permanent bliss, the bliss that is being offered to you by the Father, and that is reaching you and embracing you, that you must follow my teachings. They shall harm no one. My teachings shall not be harmful even to those who do not desire to read them, even to those who hurt and torment you. By no means they will take away a free-will choice from any of you. It is only your free will that shall decide whether or not it is worth progressing along this path, whether or not it is worth as you say “blowing against a head wind.“ It is you, each one personally, who must make a decision. However, you must still know that to those who shall make a choice to “blow against a head wind,“ to blow against the slavery fetters of the rituals and dogmas, vices and poverty that you have put onto your own shoulders the Father shall come to their assistance. I, as well as all my universe, shall assist those of you for no one in my universe must be a slave against one‘s own will. Therefore, all the vast family of the universe, that you have no idea of, shall join your spiritual ascent and delivery.         

You had a chance to hear something about the angel guardians. These angel guardians have a corresponding name – seraphim. And they are always working together with you to help you get liberated from these slavery fetters. However, once you personally, on your conscious level, shall make this decision your guardians shall receive an enormous support for their own activity and therefore it shall go on much more successfully. And in a similar manner the angels of the nations, the church angels, the angels of progress, the angels-social architects, Midwayers, Melchizedeks, Physical Controllers shall also contribute to this activity. This type of assistance shall be rendered to each of you that the richest king of your material states could not even dream of.      

Now this assistance is also being rendered to you, however, as long as your free will is turned to the direction of evil rather than to the direction of the Father this help is not within your reach, and you cannot make use of it since you do not know anything about it neither you think anything about it. And it is necessary for you to make only one step – sincerely and personally of your own free will to make a decision on choosing the path of the Father‘s love and truth. And this path is free, walk upon it bravely and throughout all eternity. My teachings shall help you make this decision and use it so that, in your daily living, you would broaden the path of love and truth, and light it up for others. Your steps shall encourage others. The bigger the number of those walking on the path of love and truth the stronger is the very stride.    

However to those of you who shall walk on this path among the first ones it is my teachings that shall be that support from without that you will be able to read and verify your stride until you learn to commune with the Father or with me directly and live to ask us for counseling you.

By your single decision you absolutely change your future. You become free from a slave. This is a wonderful change and experience. And when you discover the Father within your inner sense of freedom shall be that enormous that you shall carry on jubilating for it will be only then that you will realized you shall have become His son or daughter. Only then you shall realize, as a human being, that you shall have ceased being the servant of the Father as you shall have become a loving, and beloved, son of the Father. That is a wonderful inner transformation into your true self.   

But until you reach it my teachings shall serve you as a supporting handrail while ascending on this staircase that is leading up. And this is the only staircase leading to love and truth. All the other paths are leading to the domination of your animal self ever more and to the experience of a still bigger suffering. However, what you are striving for in this life you are certain to get it. If you are looking for satisfying only the material needs to your animal self it is then that you must take part in a game that is based on the rules designed by the similar animal selves and that shall bring you many moments of despair and pain for the rules of this game do not provide the manifestation of love and truth. And if it does not provide them you cannot expect within it either love or truth. Therefore, you cannot expect in it either comfort, compassion, soothing, or understanding. You must expect tension, injustice, and the reign of force. If this path, leading your soul to destruction, is acceptable to you it is your will to choose it. However, it is a very painful and destructive deadlock. You shall not get anywhere on it. You shall only wear yourself out more and experience such a disappointment that at the very last moment before your ill body, that has been suffering a lot, shall consume the very last drops of its energy you will acknowledge to yourself: “I have experienced many things in my life – joy and pain, but I have not experienced love and happiness.“ And that shall be true; because no one who is turned away from the Father, who does not open up to Him can experience love and happiness. And that one who opens up to Him can no longer lead such a selfish life. That one chooses another path – the path of life rather than of death.      
