Father's spirit, Thought Adjuster, Why Is It Impossible to Register the Vibrations of theFather's Love by Any Mechanical Devices of Humans? (July18, 2007)


Vilnius, Lithuania, July 18, 2007                                                                 9.30 p.m.                              


My beloved Father, on our site Forum there was a question whether it is possible to register your love vibrations with some mechanical devices on our planet, and then by means of some transformer to raise the lower vibrations of humans to a higher level and by this to raise a general spiritual energy field on the planet. I do desire that you would give your response to our Forum brethren


My beloved son, this question is both important and naïve. Important for it touches upon the vibrations of my love, and naïve because you desire to increase the amount of my vibrations of my love by applying any mechanical means.


Why do you not you think about contributing your efforts, personal efforts in raising the amount of my love vibrations throughout the creation by communing with me and becoming a living device, a live transformer of my vibrations to channel them to your brethren both on your planet and on other planets even inhabited by much higher beings than the material mortals. Why do you desire to receive everything ready by merely using a switcher on and off.


My purpose of creating you at this level of existence is to raise your character from the lowest valley of the lowest ones to the divine spiritual peaks by encouraging you to use your free will in adhering to my leading from within thru my fragmented part that indwells your mind as such what you call my spirit, or even as your Thought Adjuster.


I have bestowed even part of myself on each of you, and since your very childhood, so that you get adapted to my love vibrations as early and young, even little, as possible. You cannot register my love vibrations by any mechanical and crude devices since they cannot register anything beyond the scope of such vibration that exceed the wave length discovered by your scientists.


My love vibrations are qualitative vibrations that are controlled and governed exclusively personally by me. Even my Co-ordinate Son whom you know as The Second Person of the Paradise Trinity cannot create and control them without my direct involvement.


Therefore, I allow you to FEEL and EXPERIENCE ME THRU MY PART INDWELLING THE MIND OF EACH OF YOU. This is the only channel that registers my love vibrations within your mind.


However, it is your free will that determines your own self’s action and desire whether or not to open up your personal valve to feel these love vibrations.


It is a much higher entity – your morontial soul – that is capable of feeling my love vibrations once it discovers that part of mine in the human mind, and by this discovery gets an extraordinary experience it has never been able to undergo before – it tastes my love vibrations by launching a much higher mind within the same human being – a morontial mind of that mortal that is capable of registering these love vibrations passed over to you thru your Thought Adjuster from my very First Source and Center – I AM.



Therefore, how can you expect to register my love vibrations by means of any mechanical devices, even the most sophisticated ones, from your vantage point, once I send you a LIVING entity of my own self to your minds, each of yours, and have designed a MEANS, or if you want to put it in this situation, a device, that can register and experience my love vibrations thru the live contact with me – your living SOUL.


You must realize that any scientist must feel these love vibrations once his or her soul gets in a direct and live contact with my part within you, but no mechanical device can be designed either to register the existence of the qualitative vibrations of my love or the vibrations of that higher entity that is feeling and experiencing my love vibrations – your originating soul.

And this only must give more food for the scientist to reconsider as to why he cannot mechanically register what he is feeling and experiencing within himself or herself so definitely and so strongly. And if the scientist is honest in his pursuit of the truth he would acknowledge the fact that there are higher things beyond the reach of the material science even though a material scientist is feeling them.


Therefore, this experience shall begin to change the approach of the scientist to the universe and science in general. And he shall acknowledge that some phenomena are real and happening every day that must be from a much higher source than he could establish and characterize them in a similar manner as he has been taught to establish and characterize all the other physical phenomena.


I am supplying you with my own part for you to FORETASTE THE PLEASURE AND BLISS of your future life after your resurrection in a morontial form of the soul so that you would stop thinking I am not real and being present only in the mind’s eyes of mentally sick people. But I give this pleasure to you, each of you, as a reward for your PERSONAL AND SINCERE, AND PAINSTAIKING EFFORTS. Therefore, do begin to reconsider your own, personal, views whether or not you desire to FORETASTE my love vibrations and begin to get a definite picture of your future life after your resurrection already now.




 Thank you, my beloved Father. I do really love you, and I was even feeling your love vibrations while taking down this teaching about your love vibrations.


Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,

